Learn how to add custom fields to membership forms in this step-by-step guide. There are steps you must take before completing this process. This help guide will cover how to add custom fields to new and existing membership forms.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Add Custom Fields to a Membership Form
Add Custom Fields to Existing Forms
Add Custom Fields to a Membership Form
1. Navigate to Forms & Pages and select Forms.
2. Select New Form and select Membership.
3. Title your form. When finished, select Create your form. In this example, we will leave all other fields in the default settings.
To learn more about each of these features, please see the Creating a Membership Form help guide.
4. Select Form Editor. Navigate through the available fields until you find the Custom Fields section. Here you will find the Custom Field you created.
5. On the right side, find the area you would like to add this custom field to. Drag and drop the field when you have found the appropriate field placement.
6. Select Publish. Then select Keep Working.
7. Select Preview to see the added custom fields on the form.
Add Custom Fields to Existing Forms
Adding a custom field to an existing form uses the same process except, instead of selecting New Form, you will want to select Edit Membership Form on the form you would like to change.