A maximum amount can now be configured for the recurring upgrade notice, beyond which it will not appear. Please contact us to configure.
Administrators can now connect their campaign goal to their Streamlabs account and sync donations to Streamlabs. Click here to learn more.
Added “Collect card on file during registration” setting to Recommitment settings in the Admin. Also clarified how to collect card on file in the recommitment setting tooltip.
Administrators can add custom fields to the champion campaign creation flow. Upon creation, these fields become custom campaign fields on the champion campaign. Configuration is done in the champion form in Form Builder. To enable this form, please contact support.
Fixed a bug that would have generated the wrong PDF receipt for some users if their receipt was regenerated.
Blast emails sent through the Admin now prevent multiple emails being sent to the same email address, which happened previously for accounts with managed users.
Sprocket’s create donation endpoints no longer convert paid_at to local time.
Fixed an issue that prevented administrators from moving images across Media Library categories in some Admin instances.
Fixed an issue with payment processing using Stripe with mobile pay enabled in registration and self-donate forms.
Corrected some text in discount code tooltips in the Admin.