New and Exciting!
Team Form Redesign
The team form in Role Registration was redesigned to include a step-process, where the user selects whether they want to create or join a team, after which they’re presented with the fields relevant to their selection.
- Visible columns in grid views (for the new grid interfaces) as set by each administrator are now saved across sessions for that administrator.
- Updated some Admin dependencies.
- Added Transaction ID to sprocket API:
On retrieve, all payments will now have the Authorization Code (as previously), as well as the newly added Transaction ID.
On create, authorization codes will now be mapped to Authorization Code, and the newly added Transaction ID will map to transaction_id.
- National Teams can now be returned in front end fundraising page searches. Please contact us to enable this feature.
Donors' Fund payments are now marked distinctly in the system.
Fixed an error when trying to register to a pre-selected team.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to set a match to end on campaign date and a start date later than that.