New and Exciting!
Year Over Year Teams
Team captains can recreate a team from a previous year: in the team creation form in the Role Registration flow, when searching for a team name, users are given the option to “Recreate a team” of which they were the team captain. Choosing to recreate a past team will pre-populate some team information on the form and create a connection between the past team and present team. Click here to learn more about year over year teams.
Team captains can now email members of their past team who did not register for the present campaign. This feature is accessible to team captains in their fundraiser dashboard, under the Email tab.
- Administrators can now update front end content that is inherited from a parent term. In Site Builder mode, inherited areas will display a lock icon and accompanying message, and can be overridden and updated by clicking, editing, and publishing changes.
- Administrators can now view and manage multiple endurance challenges configured on a single entity.
- Team captains can now connect their team goal to a Streamlabs account and sync donations to their broadcast. Captains can connect a Streamlabs account from the Overlay Builder interface.
- We’ve increased load efficiency for many reports.
- The donation reminder no longer shows in the Role Registration flow.
The default fundraiser hero image is now synced to Facebook upon creation of a Facebook Fundraiser when the fundraiser has not uploaded their own image.
- Next release will be July 6.
- The team form in Role Registration will be redesigned: instead of a single input field from which users can either create or join a team, users will instead be presented with buttons prompting them to choose their teaming preference.