New and Exciting!
We’ve changed the way we handle donation pledges:
- Pledge is now a payment method (alongside credit card, cash, check, etc.). It is considered an offline payment.
- Pledges now have a “Fulfillment status” of either “fulfilled” or “unfulfilled”. Administrators can report on the fulfillment status of pledges in donation reports. Donors can view the fulfilled status of donation pledges in the Donor Portal.
- Donations that, prior to this release, were marked with the pledge checkbox, will not be considered pledges in the new system and in reports. It is advised for administrators to mark any of these transactions as payment method pledges, as appropriate.
- Administrators now have the ability attach summary letters to emails in the compose email flow. To enable this feature, please contact us.
- If a campaign is in test mode, a relevant warning indicator now appears to users on front-end donation and registration pages/flows.
- The “Other” button on the donation lightbox can now be translated.
- Added a line break before timezone in the Admin campaign list.