To view any donations made through any of the peer-to-peer fundraising pages associated with your organization during the Giving Day event, first, log in to your organization's profile and navigate to the 'My Fundraisers' tab.
This will take you to a list of all the peer-to-peer fundraising pages set up for your organization. You can view the Page Title, Published Status, Creation Date, Creator Name, and Creator Email from this page. You can also view the page, as it is seen on the 'front end' from your organization's public profile, by clicking the 'View Public Page' option.
- Click here to learn how to manage your peer-to-peer fundraising pages.
- Click here to learn how to create a peer-to-peer fundraising page from your organization's giving day account.
To view the donations associated with a given fundraising page, click the kebab icon to the right of the 'Public Page' option, and select 'View Donations' from the drop-down menu.
This will populate a window that shows all the donations made through a given fundraising page. You can export this list as an Excel spreadsheet for easy reporting and sharing. You can also filter this list by Donor First and Last Name, Email.