Matching Functionality
The way the system matches donations is by creating matching donations of the same amount (or following the specified match parameters, as the case may be) per matched donation, assigned to the same recipient as the matched donation. In this way, all goals and tallies are calculated automatically and naturally, following the donations that are assigned to them.
One consequence of this structure is how matching donations are treated: in some contexts (like reports), they are treated as full-fledged donations, but are identified as matching donations so that they can be filtered accordingly. In other contexts (like recent donations widgets), the matching donations are hidden, and their amounts added to the matched donation so as to display the total effective amount donated. Below is an outline of how the matching donations are treated in the various contexts:
- In reports: matched and matching donations are listed separately. Matching donations reference their matched donation as well as their match object.
- In donor portal: matched and matching donations are listed separately. Matched donations are indicated with an icon and are filterable. Matching donations are listed as type "Pledge" and are indicated in the expanded record as "Fulfilled" or "Unfulfilled", depending on whether the match is complete and settled.
- In recent donations widgets: matched donation amounts are displayed as effective amount. An "matched" indicator provides match information for the matched donation.
- In donation emails/liquid: either donation amount or effective amount can be used for matched donations. The default email copy includes both.
- For CRM syncing: matching donations are not synced to CRM at all; only the full match payment is synced. Click here for more information.
Which donations are matched
Donation matches will generate matching donations for all qualifying donations submitted while the match is active. This includes online donations, recurring donations, registration donations, and offline donations. Offline donations are matched when they are verified.
Qualifying donations are matched regardless of whether they are submitted via the campaign donation form, on the fundraising page, through the platform, or via the global donation form.
The following emails are sent during the donation matching flow. Those listed in bold may be modified in the Admin, under Email > Automated Emails > Match Emails.
- Matcher receives "Donation Match Created" email upon creation of match*
- Administrator receives "Donation Match Created" email upon creation of match
- Fundraiser receives "Fundraiser Received Match" email upon creation of match that matches that fundraiser's page (note that all fundraisers receive this email when a match is set to match all donations on a campaign)
- Team captain receives "Team Received Match" email upon creation of match that matches that captain's team page
- Information about the match is included in the default copy for donation confirmation emails as appropriate.
- Matcher receives "Donation Match Completed" when match is closed and settled (this can happen when the match reaches its end date or maximum match amount, or if an administrator manually ends the match). This email should serve as the receipt for the matcher's contribution.
Additionally, default content for Donation Confirmation and Donation Received emails include conditional statements that indicate effective amount and matcher names if the donation was matched. This is achieved by accessing a list of matching donations via liquid. Below is a helpful liquid block that can be copied and pasted into relevant email templates.
{% if Matching_Donations | total_amount > 0 %}Your donation was matched by {{ Matching_Donations | map: "Donor_Display_Name" | list }}, bringing your effective donation amount to {{ Matching_Donations | total_amount | plus: Donation.Amount | money }}!{% endif %}
Your donation was matched by John Hamm and Stephanie Warbler, bringing your effective donation amount to $54.00!
Managing the donation matching functionality requires two security permissions:
- Match Settings (In the Forms category) is required to manage match settings, such as enabling donation matching on a campaign.
- Matches (in the Transactions category) is required to view and manage donation matches.
For more on what each of these permissions does, click here.