Event date timezone can now be modified in the Admin. By updating the timezone in the Admin, features like the countdown widget and "Add to calendar" feature will calculate the date/time correctly.
We've implemented some national team liquid updates:
- The national team liquid object on Members and Teams now includes raised amount and goal amount.
- The Goal liquid object now includes national team information for national team goals.
- Added National_Team_Id attribute to team and fundraiser Goal object.
- Underlines that appear on buttons and links in the livestream module for some templates have been removed.
The currency symbol in the campaigns dropdown now displays the campaign’s default currency.
- The Fundraiser Dashboard Reports tab will get a complete redesign with charts and stats and new grids that can be filtered and sorted.
- Columns to identify national team associations will be added to the following reports: Teams with Summary, Fundraisers with Donation and Contacts Summary, Registrants with Reg Fields, Donations and Contacts Summary.
- The "Fundraising" tab in the Admin will restructured a bit for clarity: livestream settings and most settings currently in the "Advanced" sub-tab will be moved to a new "Fundraising Settings" sub-tab.