New and Exciting!
Participant Map Widget
We've released a new homepage widget that displays on a map the cities from which people are registering. To enable this widget, please contact support.
- Added lang attribute in HTML container for all site pages.
- Administrators can no longer disable the reset password automated email. The email contents can continue to be modified as usual.
- Updated the display of the tickets used/available amounts in the Ticket Builder for clarity.
- Apple Pay with processor 1st Pay now functions correctly on embedded donation pages.
- International addresses now support zip codes with up to 10 characters.
Fixed an issue that prevented sorting on member lists (introduced 4/14/2021).
Fixed an issue that caused fundraiser cards to appear twice on the /static/find-a-page page.
Fixed a sorting issue on the /static/find-a-page page.
- Various password error messages have been updated to reflect the new password requirements released two weeks ago.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain saved reports to fail when run a different campaign than originally configured.
- Fixed an issue that caused some longer currency symbols to overlap amounts.
- We've updated various areas of campaign sites to correctly use the campaign's default currency symbol (as opposed to "$") for campaigns with international currencies, including: Upcoming Event widget, Find-an-Event page, Fundraiser Cards widget, Find-a-page page, and Livestream cards.
Error messages now work correctly in Spanish.
In the Admin global search, all user results (donors, registrants) from the same user will be grouped under a single user card.
Endurance progress will be added to the static team list (where an endurance challenge is active); and a "view all" link, which directs to said page, will be added to the top endurance teams widget.
- A new report will be added for Neon CRM clients that maps Donation IDs to their corresponding Neon CRM Donation IDs.