New and Exciting!
PayPal on Donation Lightbox
PayPal can now be offered as a payment option on the donation lightbox!
QR Codes
Fundraisers can now share a QR code that links to their fundraising page. Fundraisers can access their QR code in their dashboard, under the "Share" tab.
Fixed an alignment issue on the fundraiser dashboard chart tooltip.
A warning dialogue has been added when removing a paid role from a member.
Fixed an issue that showed the PayPal configuration as "pending" in the Admin interface instead of inactive, under certain circumstances.
If a donation does not have a "Payment Date", "Donation CreatedOn Date" will be synced as the value for the Neon CRM "Created Timestamp" field.
Tribute notification recipients entered in Neon Fundraise donations will sync to the Neon CRM acknowledgee field.