A user can set the criteria for how Salesforce detects duplicate records in 2 ways:
Custom matching. A user can choose between:
- Email OR exact first and last name
- Email AND exact first and last name
Using Salesforce's matching algorithm which a user sets in Salesforce:
If a user has set up Salesforce to "alert" (requesting instructions for next action) when a duplicate match is found, then on the alert, the user must select how Neon Fundraise should proceed. At this point, Neon Fundraise can:
- Consider it a match and use the other matched/found record.
- Create a new record.
Update on Apex sync package 1.47 - 6/21/2017
A user can use both custom matching and Salesforce matching at the same time.
- Email option in custom matching is more robust than Salesforce's matching because it matches the email against all additional email fields.
- If a user only wants to use Salesforce matching they can set custom matching to None.