It is really easy to customize Neon Fundraise in your NationBuilder. Once you have your Neon Fundraise fundraising page pulled up, create an account in the registration fields. We will then assign you Neon Fundraise Admin privileges.
To access your Admin, visit your fundraising registration page,for example:
Then remove the words “Account/Register” and replace with “admin”. So, in this example, the URL to access the admin is:
When you are customizing your page, you might want to open a new browser window to refresh as you make changes, so can see the changes in realtime before saving them.
After you log into your Neon Fundraise Admin, visit your fundraising registration page. Click “Enable Editing” in the upper right hand side of the registration form. Once you click on Enable Editing, all the areas that are editable become highlighted.
Clicking on the editable area displays a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor that pops up, allowing you to edit the area.
When you make a change, visit the browser window you previously opened, and refresh the page review the change. You can change all the copy as well as hyperlinking or adding images to the registration form.
Images added in the Neon Fundraise Admin will not appear on personal fundraising pages. For example, see the below screenshot of a personal fundraising page. You’ll notice the RUN/WALK BIRTHDAY etc image is gone. This provides a strong visual call to action when prompting new visitors to register for a person fundraising page.
Please reach out to us directly with any questions.