With Activity Stream, administrators can see a real-time stream of a variety of actions taken by fundraisers and donors across all of the campaigns that an organization is currently running. Each record in the Activity Stream includes a timestamp and links directly to each individual record as well as the specific campaign and personal fundraising page and/or team fundraising page.
These actions are categorized into "Transactions," "Registrations," and "Milestones," each one color-coded in the stream to easily digest at a glance. With Transactions, administrators can see and quickly make edits to every donation, recurring donation, and ticket purchase that comes in. Additionally, a dollar-amount-slider can be used to filter donations and tickets. Registration actions include registering for a campaign. Reaching or updating a fundraising goal will be shown under the Milestone actions.
The Activity Stream can be found in the Activity tab in the Admin.
There are 4 filters that can be applied to the activity stream.
- Transactions - this filters the stream to show all transaction activity. This includes all verified donations, recurring donation plans, and ticket purchases. This does not include registration fee activity. Each record shows the donor name, donation amount, donated to recipient name (campaign, fundraiser or team), and the campaign donation was made on. Activities for recurring donations include: plan created, paused, resumed, ended, failed, and modified.
- Registrations - this filters the stream to show all registration activity. Each record shows the registrant name, the campaign they registered on, team name(if they joined or created a team), and if they registered as a team captain.
- Milestones - this filters the stream to show all goal updated activity. Any fundraiser, team or campaign changing their goal will be recorded here. Each record shows the fundraiser/team/campaign name and the new goal amount.
- Transaction amount - this filters the stream to show all transactions that meet the range. This range is derived from the smallest and largest donation amounts in your organization. Changing the range will filter the transactions based on the new range.