Fundraisers can promote their fundraising page on social media through the "Share" lightbox in the Fundraiser Dashboard, accessible by clicking on either one of two "Share" buttons that appear in the Dashboard: one in the profile bar near the "Donate" button, and the other below the donations chart on the Dashboard homepage.
Clicking either of the above two buttons opens a responsive “Share” lightbox, from which fundraisers can copy the direct link to their page, or share directly to networks like Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. On mobile, fundraisers are able to share to SMS or WhatsApp, and access their operating system’s native share modal by clicking the “Share” button in the new lightbox.
Fundraisers can also download a QR code image to show to friends and/or use in print materials, which directs to donate to the fundraiser.
The default share text for all these shares can be edited in the Social Shares tab in the Admin under Website > Social Shares.
The "Share" lightbox is a dynamic, animated, responsive and progressive web widget that takes advantage of as many features as the clients browsers/device can support. For example, this update includes a native "force-touch" on the QR code in Chrome/Safari on iOS, native URL sharing on Safari and Microsoft Edge, and native image sharing on Android/Windows.