Learn how to enter offline donations in this step-by-step guide. This help guide will demonstrate how to enter offline donations in Neon Fundraise.
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Offline Donations
If you receive a check, cash, or offline credit card donation, you may enter it as an offline donation. An administrator will need to verify the donation when it is received by the organization. Once the donation is verified, it counts towards your fundraising goal. Enter an offline donation by following these steps:
1. To complete this process, start by selecting the Transactions tab. Then select Donations.
2. Select Make a Donation.
3. Complete the fields for a new donor or select from an existing user. For this example, we will create a new donor.
4. Under Donating to, select General if you want the funds to be directed to the campaign. If you want the funds directed to the fundraisers goal, select Member and select the fundraisers name.
5. Select the Payment Method and indicate how much was submitted.
6. There are anonymity, receipt, and address options to select from. Be sure to Verify that you have received the payment. When finished select Donate.
Note: Address may be required depending on payment method.