The media library is where administrators can upload, delete, and move media on their campaign site.
To use the Media Library:
- Navigate to Admin > Website > Media Library
- Click the Upload New Image button, Browse... to select your image and Upload
- Click the Enable Editing button
- Click and drag your image from the General section and drop it in one of the available sections below
- To use the same image in multiple sections, upload the image multiple times. Drag each copy of the image from the General section to the needed sections.
- The media library cannot accept images with special characters in the filename.
- There is a 25mb upload limit for all file uploads in Neon Fundraise's system.
Available sections in the media library:
- User to User images: images that are made available to be used by fundraisers in their fundraising emails.
Logo, used in various locations:
- Header for Rallybound "Role Registration" form
- Logo for reCaptcha popup
- Logo in livestream overlay
- Topbar Image: appears as the standalone page header logo. Applies to standalone donation and ticketing pages only.
- Social Share: image to be used in Facebook and Linkedin shares (subject to various contingencies).
- Homepage: appears in the homepage banner carousel. This can also be managed through the Site Builder.
- Photo Gallery: displays in the homepage Photos widget and viewable in your site's photo gallery located at
- Video Gallery: displays in the homepage Videos widget and viewable in your site's video gallery located at
- Campaign Image: used as the logo image on campaign cards on the platform landing page (supported on some template styles).
- Fundraiser Page Default Hero Image: displays as the personal fundraising page banner image. If multiple images are uploaded, the fundraiser may choose which one to use as their banner image. Fundraisers can also upload their own banner image.
- Team Page Default Hero Image: displays as the team fundraising page banner image. If multiple images are uploaded, the team captain may choose which one to use as their banner image. Team captains can also upload their own banner image.
- Default member image: displays as the default profile image for fundraisers who have not uploaded their own.
- Default team image: displays as the default profile image for teams who have not uploaded their own.