Administrators can manage their campaign site's navigation menu via Site Builder.
To edit your site's navigation menu, click the menu icon. This will reveal a list of your site's navigation items. Here's what you can do with your navigation menu:
- Reorder by dragging and dropping.
- Indent an item by dragging it to the right. This inserts the indented item in a dropdown beneath the item above it in your navigation menu.
- Hide an item from your navigation by clicking the eye icon or unhide it by clicking the same icon. Hidden items are dark-colored.
- Remove an item from your navigation by clicking the "x" icon.
To add an item to your navigation menu, click the "+" button in the top right of the dropdown. From here, you have the option to add to the navigation a page that already exists on your site, a new page that you create, or an external link. In any of these cases, fill in the related details and click "Add". This will add the page to your navigation using the label you provided. The new item can then be managed just like the others. Please keep in mind that your changes are not saved on the site until you click "Publish" in the Site Builder bar.
When creating a new page, Site Builder provides the option to add a page title — which will be used as the title of the page itself (both on the page and in the page's metadata), and a label — which is how the page is presented in the navigation menu. Labels that differ from their corresponding page's title may also be added to existing pages and external links. On multi-language sites, administrators can add a title and label for each configured language.
Links can also be configured to open in a new tab. This is especially useful when adding an external link so that users aren't navigated away from your campaign site.