Neon Fundraise gives administrators the ability to add and edit the FAQs presented on their campaign site. To add an FAQ to your site, you'll need to set up FAQ Sections first. Once that's set up, you can add FAQs to the FAQ Sections.
Add FAQ Section
To add an FAQ Section, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Admin at
- Navigate to the campaign on which to create your FAQs
- Click the "Website" tab
- Click "FAQs" in the left sidebar
- Click "Add FAQ Section" in the top left
- Give the section a name
- Set the order in which this section will be displayed relative to other sections
- To add an FAQ to this section, click "Add FAQ"
- Click "Save"
Add or Edit FAQs
- Log in to the Admin at
- Navigate to the campaign on which to create your FAQs
- Click the "Website" tab
- Click "FAQs" in the left sidebar
- Click on the FAQ section in which you'd like to add or edit the FAQ
- To add a FAQ, click "Add FAQ" in the resulting window
- To edit a FAQ, double-click that particular FAQ in the list, and click "Edit" in the resulting window
- Enter the order number, which determines how the FAQ is displayed relative to other FAQs in that section
- Fill out the FAQ question and answer
- Click "Save"