Liquid objects can have one of five types:
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Nil
- Array
You can initialize Liquid variables with the assign or capture tags.
Declare a string by wrapping a variable’s value in single or double quotes:
{% assign my_string = "Hello World!" %}
Numbers include floats and integers:
{% assign my_int = 25 %}
{% assign my_float = 39.756 %}
Booleans are either true
or false
. No quotations are necessary when declaring a boolean:
{% assign foo = true %}
{% assign bar = false %}
Nil is a special empty value that is returned when Liquid code has no results. It is not a string with the characters “nil”. Nil is treated as false in the conditions of if
blocks and other Liquid tags that check the truthfulness of a statement.
In the following example, if the user does not exist (that is, user
returns nil
), Liquid will not print the greeting:
{% if User %}
Hello {{ User.Name }}!
{% endif %}
Tags or outputs that return nil will not print anything to the page.
The current user is {{ User.Name }}
The current user is
Arrays hold lists of variables of any type.
Accessing items in arrays
To access all the items in an array, you can loop through each item in the array using an iteration tag.
<!-- if Registrants = "Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam" -->
{% for registrant in Registrants %}
{{ Registrant.First_Name }}
{% endfor %}
Tobi Laura Tetsuro Adam
Accessing specific items in arrays
You can use square bracket [
notation to access a specific item in an array. Array indexing starts at zero.
<!-- if Registrants = "Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam" -->
{{ Registrants.First_Name[0] }}
{{ Registrants.First_Name[1] }}
{{ Registrants.First_Name[3] }}
Initializing arrays
You cannot initialize arrays using only Liquid.
You can, however, use the split filter to break a string into an array of substrings.