Administrators can view, add, remove, and change the primary URL (web address) on their campaigns (note: this requires the campaign to be connected to a platform, which requires a Premier license for Neon Fundraise).
To do this, log in to the Admin at and navigate to the desired campaign. There, you'll see the URL field. If there are multiple URLs, you can view all of them by expanding the URL field — click the little arrow to the right of the URL field.
Add a URL
To add a URL, follow these steps:
- Hover over the URL field
- Click the "Add URL" button that appears to the right of the field
- In the ensuing popup window, add just the desired path (or subdomain). The full URL is shown below the input field as you type.
- Click "Save"
- The new URL will now appear below the existing URL in campaign details
Remove a URL
To remove a URL from a campaign, follow these steps:
- Hover over the URL to be removed
- Click the "Remove" button that appears to the right of the field
- Confirm the removal in the ensuing popup window
Primary URLs may not be removed. To remove a primary URL, first change the primary (see below), then remove the desired URL.
Note: If removing a secondary URL that was active before September 18, 2019, users who have already visited the campaign site using the removed URL will continue to be directed to the same site when entering the same URL, even after it has been removed or assigned to a different campaign. The removed URL will only redirect properly once the user’s browser cache is cleared.
Changing the Primary URL
The primary URL is the URL at which the campaign site actually resides. All secondary (non-primary) URLs redirect to the primary. One practical difference is that when entering or clicking on a secondary URL, it will load the relevant campaign site, but the address bar will show the campaign's primary URL, not the secondary one that the user entered. To change the primary URL, follow these steps:
- Hover over the desired URL (only non-primary URLs can be made primary)
- Click the "Make Primary" button that appears to the right of the field
- Confirm the change in the ensuing popup window
To add, remove, or change primary URLs, administrators require EDIT level permission on the Campaigns permission item for the campaign or entity in question.