Neon Fundraise allows organizations to manage administrators and their security roles across an organization, groups, and campaigns.
An administrator always possesses the security role on the group they've been added to and all groups and campaigns within that group. For example, adding an administrator to the organization level will add that administrator, with their security role, to all campaigns within the organization. Additionally, if different security roles are applied to multiple direct parents of a single campaign or entity, the permissions of those roles are aggregated so that the administrator has the most expansive permissions from the combination of the assigned roles.
There are various locations in the admin that one may edit the security of an administrator.
Administrators Interface
To modify the permissions of an administrator in the Administrators interface, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the Organization panel in the header which directs to the Administrators sub-tab
- In the Administrators interface, select the desired administrator
- In the ensuing lightbox, you can:
a) Add the administrator to new campaigns or groups by entering them into the "Add Campaigns" field, selecting the desired security role, and clicking the plus (+) button
b) Modify the security role on a particular group or campaign by locating the desired group or campaign in the list and modifying the security role selection
c) Remove the administrator from a group or campaign by clicking the red minus (-) button next to the desired group or campaign, then click DELETE - Exit out of the pop-up
Campaigns List Interface
To modify the permissions of an administrator in a group or campaign in the Campaigns interface, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the desired group or campaign
- Click the administrator (person) icon in the header
- In the ensuing lightbox, you can:
a) Add existing administrators to new campaigns or groups by entering their emails into the "Invite Administrators" field, selecting the desired security role, and clicking the plus (+) button
b) Modify the security role of an administrator by locating the desired administrator in the list and modifying the security role selection
c) Remove the administrator from the group or campaign by clicking the red minus (-) button next to the desired administrator, then click DELETE - Exit out of the pop-up
For instructions on adding new administrators, please click here.
For instructions on removing administrators from groups or campaigns, please click here.