Neon Fundraise allows organizations to manage administrators and their security roles across an organization, groups, and campaigns.
There are various locations in the admin that one may add a new administrator, listed in sections below.
Note on inherited settings for administrators:
An administrator always possesses the security role on the entity they've been added to plus all groups and campaigns within that entity. For example, adding an administrator to the organization level will add that administrator, with their security role, to all groups and campaigns within the organization.
Additionally, if different security roles are applied to multiple direct parents of a single campaign or entity, the permissions of those roles are aggregated so that the administrator has the most expansive permissions from the combination of the assigned roles.
Option 1: Organization Level
- Select the Organization tab on the top navigation bar.
- The Administrators tab displays your current administrators. We will add the administrator by creating an invite. Select the Red + icon.
- In the Invite Administrators popup window, enter the email of the person you would like to add. You can add multiple emails at once by using a comma(,) to separate each email. Enter a personal message that will appear in the body of the email. For this example we want this administrator to have access to all groups and campaigns, so we will select Entire Organization in the Add to groups or campaigns dropdown. Select the security role preferences from the dropdown. Select the green + to add these settings to the invitation. When finished, select Invite.
- The invitation will be sent. The user must accept the invitation to be fully added to the campaign.
Option 2: Campaigns List Interface
To add an administrator to a single group or campaign in the campaigns list interface, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the group or campaign to which the new administrator will be added
- Click the administrator (person) icon in the header.
- In the email field of the ensuing lightbox, enter one or multiple email address of administrators you'd like to add.
- Once you have entered the correct email address(es), click the "Enter" key to confirm the email address(es).
Tip! Add a personal message to the invite email that gets sent to the new administrators by clicking "Add personal message"
Note: If the administrator has access to the given group or campaign based on a higher group, they will appear in the administrator list above the email field
Note: If the administrator already has an account, their information will appear in an auto-complete list below the email field - Select the security role the new administrators should possess on that campaign, then click the send icon.
Adding Admins to Multiple Campaigns and Groups
To add an administrator to multiple groups or campaigns in the campaigns list interface at once, please follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- In the campaign list, select the groups or campaigns to which the new administrators will be added. Use Ctrl or Shift + click to select multiple in the list at a time.
- Click the add administrator icon in the toolbar above the campaign list.
- In the email field of the ensuing lightbox, enter one or multiple email address of administrators you'd like to add
- Once you have entered the correct email address(es), click the "Enter" key to confirm the email address(es).
Tip! Add a personal message to the invite email that gets sent to the new administrators by clicking "Add personal message"
Note: If the administrator already has an account, their information will appear in an auto-complete list below the email field - Select the security role the new administrators should possess on those groups or campaigns, then click the send icon
Resending the Invite
If an administrator is having trouble creating their account from the invite email (maybe the administrator missed the email or waited too long and the link expired), another email can be sent, prompting the administrator to create their account. To do this, follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the Organization tab in the header, which directs you to the Administrators tab (If you don't see the Organization tab, you don't have permissions to perform this action.)
- In the Administrators tab, locate the administrator in question.
- Click "Resend Invite" on the administrator's card
For instructions on editing the role of an existing administrator, please click here.
For instructions on removing administrators from groups or campaigns, please click here.