Neon Fundraise has predefined security roles available in the system that you can use, or you can create your own security roles based on your organization's preference and setup.
Default Security Roles
What follows is a list of default roles. Please see the Security Roles interface (Organization > Security Roles) to see which roles have which permissions.
- Full Permissions: This role has the highest level of permissions. Generally reserved for Event Owners and Database contacts.
- Editor: This is a role for someone actively working in a campaign. The ability to edit all areas of the site but unable to delete.
- View Only: This role is for an administrator who wants to see activity but will not be making any changes as they can view information but cannot edit or delete.
- Webmaster: This role is intended for someone maintaining the campaign website. This role has more permission than View Only, specifically in the area of website content.
- Finance: This role is intended for finance roles, with a focus on transactions and reports.
- Reporter: This role only provides visibility into reports.
If none of these roles is a fit for what you’re looking for you can create your own custom role by selecting “Add Security Role” and then identifying the criteria that are a fit for this role.
Permission Levels
Each role is defined by different functional areas of the Neon Fundraise system. By clicking on the role, and then the permission, you will see additional detail, defined by "DELETE", EDIT", "VIEW", and "NONE". Click here for a full inventory of all permission items.
- DELETE: The highest level of rights as the administrator can edit, view and remove relevant records. This has implications related to issuing refunds, removing registration records, emails and other content on the Neon Fundraise system. These rights are generally reserved for executive roles.
- EDIT: Administrators with edit rights can view a record and edit details. For example, if someone's name was spelled incorrectly or a donation was made to the wrong team, these can be updated. These rights are generally given to Event Managers that are involved in the day to day operations of a campaign.
- VIEW: Administrators with view rights can see information without being able to edit or delete the information. This can be really helpful for volunteers or individuals that are temporarily helping with an event as they can see information without the risk of important campaign data being altered.
- NONE: This area of the system is not available at all to administrators with this setting.