Sometimes when trying to update a Registrant's email address you can receive an error: "This email address is already taken."
This can occur in two scenarios:
- When the email address is already being used by another Registrant in the current Campaign, or
- When the email address is already being used (taken) by a Registrant in a different Campaign in your Organization.
In the first scenario, the Registrant's email address can't be updated as there cannot be two registrants registered for the same Campaign using the same email address. In the second scenario, follow the steps below to update the Registrant's email address:
If the Registrant did not pay a registration fee or donate to the Campaign:
- Register a new Registrant to the Campaign using the desired email address. When you receive the error, "This email address already exists," please follow the steps stated here.
- Merge the original Registrant into the newly created Registrant following the steps on How to merge two registrants.
If the Registrant did pay a registration fee or donated to the Campaign:
- Please contact Neon Fundraise Support to have the email address updated.