Administrators can register new registrants through the Admin. To add new registrants, follow these steps:
To add a registrant
- Log in to the Admin at
- Navigate to the relevant campaign
- Click the "People" tab
- Click "Registrants" in the left sidebar
- Click the "Register" button at the top of the window
- Enter contact information
- Select whether the user will manage their own account or be managed by an existing user. If the latter, choose the user to manage the new registrant's account.
- Add roles and role details for the user by checking the role checkboxes
- To register the individual for the Fundraiser role to create a fundraising page, check the box "Fundraising Tools".
- A fee can be charged in association with each role. Add a fee in the "Charge registration fee" field.
- [For non-Role Registration campaigns (not common), select a user type for the new user
- Basic Account: Just an account, not attending an event, not fundraising
- Attendee: Attending event
- Fundraiser: Has fundraising page]
- Optional: Add a donation to be associated with the new registrant
- Click "Register"
To edit registrants
- Locate and open the desired record
- Click "Edit" in the top left
- Edit details as listed above (registration fees cannot be charged to existing registrants)