For organizations that require registrants to sign a waiver, administrators have two steps.
1. To edit the waiver text in the Admin by following these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the entity (organization, group, or campaign) on which you'd like to configure this dictionary term. Click here to learn more about inherited settings.
- Click the "Forms" tab
- Click "Customize" in the left sidebar
- Click on the Page Term titled "Various - Waiver for RSVP / Full Registration" — it's near the bottom
- Edit your waiver content in the text field
- Once complete, click "Done"
2. Enable the waiver in your registration process:
- Navigate to "Forms"
Click "Registration Settings" in the left sidebar
Locate and enable the "RSVP Waiver" Registration Option
You can use placeholders in the waiver — please see our Liquid Documentation for more information.