Neon Fundraise's Registration Builder for Role Registration allows administrators to create roles along with custom fields and options, to set up their registration exactly as they want it. The Registration Builder includes the ability to:
- Create roles
- Define role properties (name, description, expiration date, price, quantity)
- Create custom fields (text box, paragraph box, checkbox, dropdown, multi-select, date)
To access the Registration Builder, navigate to the relevant campaign in the Admin, select the Forms tab and click Registration Builder in the left sidebar.
Note: Custom fields may also be added to the contact or team forms in the Form Builder, under the Contact and Team forms, respectively. If these forms do not appear in the Form Builder, please contact us to activate them.
Using the Registration Builder
Roles List
Here is where you can create new roles, and view all your existing roles in a list. For each role you can view its name, expiration date, price, and available quantity (these are called "Role Properties"). The roles in this list can be reordered with simple drag and drop (an open role cannot be reordered). To modify a role, simply click on it.
Default Roles
Two roles — Fundraiser and Attendee — are added to most campaigns by default.
- The Fundraiser role, which can be identified by its api name "Fundraiser", is a system role that grants users fundraising tools — a fundraising page, team building, email tools, ability to receive donations, etc. No other role or custom role can grant the user these features. The Fundraiser role also comes with default fields, which can each be enabled/disabled in the Registration Builder:
- Goal Amount: This is the only required default field. The remaining default fields may typically be disabled.
- Custom URL: this is the ending of their personal fundraising page URL, such as Fundraise will use first name and last name by default, if this field is hidden or skipped.
- Campaign Name: This is the label used for the individual fundraising page in searches and lists, such as the "view all fundraisers" page. Fundraise will default to using their name, if this field is hidden or skipped.
- Endurance Goal Amount (only if an Endurance Challenge is enabled on the campaign)
- End Date: this defines an end date for the fundraising page for triggers to be configured based on it; the fundraising page itself is unaffected by the end date. This field is typically disabled.
- The Attendee role identifies a user as attending the event. This role is accompanied by some features, most notably it is a recognized role across the system: in liquid placeholders ("Is_Attendee"), in the Role Registration welcome screen, reports, and others.
It is possible to combine the two default roles if there is a requirement for all fundraisers to be attendees and vice versa. To configure your roles in this way, please contact us.
Editing Roles
Once you click to open a role, it displays all the properties in editable fields. These include:
- API Name: Used in system-related contexts, such as reports.
- Description: Appears as help text below the role name on the front-end.
- Expiration Date: After this date the role will appear on the front-end as "Unavailable".
- Price
- Quantity: When quantity is reached, the role will appear on the front-end as "Unavailable". Quantity can be set to unlimited by keeping the quantity field empty.
- Role Options to make role required: If a role is required, it will be expanded on the front-end, with no way for the user to toggle it on or off.
- It usually makes sense to make the Fundraiser role required, so that all registrants create fundraising pages.
- Once a role has been submitted by a user on the front-end, it may not be deleted.
- If a role has expired or reached its quantity limit, the role will appear in the Registration Flow as "Unavailable". To ensure the role doesn't appear at all, deactivate it.
- It is not possible to deactivate all roles, though it is possible to only have roles which are expired. It is recommended to close registration entirely through Campaign Settings > Registration Options so that users can't register at all.
Adding Custom Fields
Below the role properties are listed all the fields associated with the role. Fields can be reordered through drag and drop. You can add a new field by clicking the "Add Field" button at the bottom. There are six field types:
- Text box: the user enters a short string of text
- Paragraph box: the user enters a longer body of text
- Checkbox: this is a single on/off option that the user selects
- Dropdown: the user selects a single option out of many
- Multi-select: the user selects one or multiple choices out of many
- Date: The user selects a date
Once the field type is selected, set the field options:
- Field Name: Give the field a name at the top of the field edit screen
- Description: displayed to the user as help text in the registration flow
- Required: Most field types can be made required by checking the "Required" checkbox next to "Field Options" (not available for checkbox fields).
- Prices: prices can be added to dropdown field and checkbox field options, to add an additional charge to the registration fee. This can be used for add-on merchandise purchases.
Once you are done editing a role and adding fields, you can click "Done" at the top right and your changes will be saved. You can also activate/deactivate or delete roles by clicking on "Activate/Deactivate" or "Delete" at the top right.
Dropdown and multi-select fields
For dropdown and multi-select fields, options can be added from which users can make their selection.
- Option names must be unique within a single field.
- Options can be reordered using the drag handle on the left, dropping them into the desired order.
- Options can also be hidden (click the eye icon) or deleted (click the trash icon).
- Description text can be added to the option in the "more" dropdown accessible by clicking the three-dots icon.
- Cost can be added to an option next to the dollar icon on the option bar.
- Once a field or option has been used in a submission by a user on the front-end, the name may not be edited and it may not be deleted.
- An additional "Searchable" setting is available for dropdown and multi-select fields, which adds a search box to the top of the dropdown so the user can search for their desired option — this is best used for fields with many options. This setting is also available for relevant fields on the contact and team forms in Role Registration.
- If a dropdown or multi-select field has more than 250 options, the expanded field assumes a different flow: the options are paginated, 50 per page, with the page numbers and navigation at the bottom of the list. In this flow, drag-and-drop ordering is replaced with numbered ordering, where each option is listed with its order number to the left. To reorder an option, select the existing order number on the desired option, change it to the desired number, and press the tab key. This will immediately place the modified option into the desired location in the options list, and reorder all other options accordingly. It is important to note that in the paginated flow, changes are not actually saved until the field's "Done" button is clicked and the field is collapsed.
Once you are done editing a field, you can click "Done" at the top right of the field or role (you can even simply open a different field or role, or add a new field), and your changes will be saved.
Viewing Your Registration Flow
Note that there is no way to "preview" the role registration form without submitting a test registration. Before going live, it's a good idea to check your front-end site to verify that your registration flow is as you want it to be.