Registration Confirmation
This is the main email for Role Registration. It is sent when a registrant completes their registration, including selecting roles and adding others as necessary. Included in the email default is a somewhat complex block of content that populates the email as appropriate for each registrant.
Registrant Account Creation
This email is sent to the registrant immediately upon creating an account by entering their email, name and password. At this point, they have not yet chosen their roles or completed registration. This email is disabled by default, so that registrant don't receive two emails for completing registration.
To view registrants who have not completed their registration, navigate to the People > Registrants tab and filter by Registration Type > Account.
Registration Invite
This email is sent to a user invited by a registrant during the registration process. In this email the user is prompted to confirm their registration and set up their account. Until the invited user confirms their registration, their fundraising Page Access is set to Pending. In this state, the page is inactive. Once the user confirms their registration, their page adopts the default Page Access status of the campaign (generally this is Public).
If for some reason the invited user doesn't click the confirmation link in their email, they can confirm their registration and remove their page from the Pending state from their dashboard.