On the donation page, preselected donation amounts are presented to the donor to guide them through their donation. These amounts are editable. To edit the donation amount buttons, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Admin at admin.rallybound.com
- Open your campaign in the admin panel and Click the Site Builder button.
- Navigate to the donation page of your campaign site.
- Make your desired changes:
- Edit the amounts by clicking into a button and typing a different amount.
- Remove buttons by clicking the "x" above each button.
- Add buttons by clicking the button with the plus and entering an amount.
- When you're done, click "Publish" in the top right
To reorder the donation amount buttons, remove those that are out of order and recreate them in order using the instructions above.
Note: the buttons that appear on the donation page also appear in the same order on individual personal and team fundraising pages.