Neon Fundraise allows administrators to add donations in bulk, by uploading a CSV file created from our sample template to the admin panel. To do so, follow these steps:
- Log into the Admin at
- Navigate to the campaign on which to upload your donations
- Click the "Transactions" tab
- Click "Donations" in the left sidebar
- Click "Upload CSV" at the top of the window
- Click "Download CSV Sample Template" in the pop up window. You will fill out the columns in this sample template to upload the conations.
- After the Sample Template downloads, open it in your spreadsheet program, and add new donations (with their information) to the spreadsheet. Important: When editing/adding to the template, do not modify the first row. See the details on which columns are required below.
- Once you've finished entering your data into the spreadsheet, save it as a CSV file
- Back in the Admin > "Upload CSV" pop up window, click "Browse", and attach the CSV file you just saved. Then click "Upload".
- You will receive a Success pop-up. If you receive an error message, review the message to indicate what information is missing and make corrections to your form. The donations page refreshes with a list of donations from your Bulk Donation form.