Neon CRM's integration with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Canada offer a wide variety of ways to map Neon CRM transactions to QuickBooks' Service Items, Classes, & Deposit-to Accounts. This can range from the very simple to the very complex. It all depends on the size of your organization and your accounting needs/preferences.
*Each Scenario shows an example of how to set up mapping for Donation Transactions. The set up is roughly the same for each transaction type and the methods are transferable.
**The below screenshots are in reference to what is available when integrating with QuickBooks Online. See this guide for QuickBooks Desktop Limitations.
Scenario A: Simple Setup
Ideal for: Smaller organizations that have simple accounting needs and do not need to drill down into a great amount of detail with QuickBooks reporting.
What this does: Each Donation in Neon CRM will map over to one QuickBooks Service Item.
Scenario B: Moderate Setup
Ideal for: Small/Medium organizations that require more complex accounting needs and a little more detail with QuickBoooks reporting.
What this does: This step designates where Tax, Shipping, & Discounts associated with Neon CRM transactions will appear in QuickBooks. Any transactions that have a discount will be recorded on the designated discount Service Item in QuickBooks.
What this does: Donations will sync to the 'Donations' service item and each campaign will be given a different class. Each donation will also be synced to 'Undeposited Funds' in the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts since there is nothing mapped beyond the default.
Scenario C: Complex Setup
Ideal for: Medium/Larger organizations that have rather detailed and complex accounting needs and wish to drill down into more detail with QuickBooks reporting.
What this does: There are many things going on with this particular setup. Each campaign has a unique mapping combination. For example, there are two appeals (2016 & 2017 Annual Appeal) that are mapped to go to the Annual Appeals service item while they will be given unique classes for the year the appeal occurred.
Additionally, these transactions are syncing to the BMO Deposit-to Account in QuickBooks.
Anything that is blank will use the default mapping on top of the screenshot.
Further Subdivision & Mapping Precedence
In addition to the above examples, there is the option to add further subdivision to your transaction types by Fund, Purpose, Membership Term, Product, and more (what's available is specific to each transaction type). Each of these options have the same level of complexity for mapping available as what is shown above.
If you decide to add this extra level of detail to your mapping, you will want to then decide the order in which each option takes precedence (e.g. which one gets priority over the other).
Example: Let's say you went ahead and moved Fund to the top of the list, any transactions matching the set mapping for Fund will sync to QuickBooks in that manner. Anything that is left blank will then sync according to the next available mapped option in Campaign, Purpose, or Tender. If there are no more mapping options, then the sync will use what is set as default for Service Item, Class, and Deposit-to Account.
*This can apply to each of the example scenarios and would be determined by what you and your organization determines to be more important.