Learn how to sync Eventbrite to Neon CRM in this step-by-step guide. This integration finds your attendees in Eventbrite and links these registrations to Neon CRM accounts. This help guide will cover how to integrate Eventbrite into Neon CRM.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Integrating Eventbrite into Neon CRM
Sync and Match Eventbrite Attendees
Eventbrite Details on a Neon Account
Eventbrite Details in Neon Reports
What Data is Synced from Eventbrite to Neon CRM?
Eventbrite is an online event ticketing service that you may already be using to manage your events. This integration finds your attendees in Eventbrite and links these registrations to Neon CRM accounts. The integration also introduces enhanced reporting capabilities allowing organizations to query Eventbrite data inline with Neon CRM's other reporting capabilities and email audience building.
You can use it in addition to or instead of Neon CRM's event module. Eventbrite registrations are completely separate from Neon CRM transactions, and are not counted in transaction totals or QuickBooks syncs.
Learn more about Eventbrite here.
The Eventbrite Integration is included in our Impact and Empower packages. To enable the integration, please contact our Client Account Specialist Team at clientaccountspecialist@neonone.com.
Integrating Eventbrite into Neon CRM
Note: The login information used must be that of the Primary Eventbrite Account Holder*** If a sub-user's login information is used, events in Eventbrite will not sync over to Neon CRM.
1. Login to your Eventbrite account. Then, login to Neon CRM.
2. Navigate to Settings Cog and Select Global Settings.
3. Under Third-Party Integrations, select Eventbrite.
4. Select Authorize Eventbrite Access.
5. A pop-up will appear. Select Allow.
6. You have successfully integrated Eventbrite into Neon CRM.
Sync Eventbrite Events
There are two ways to access Eventbrite:
Option 1
1. From the Mission Control Dashboard, navigate to the Sync Widget and select View Events under Eventbrite.
Option 2
1. Select Integrations in the navigation menu and then select Eventbrite on the drop-down menu.
2. To pull in your Eventbrite events select Sync Event(s).
3. A list of synced events will then appear below.
4. If you do not wish to see or work on an event, select the event and click Archive Event(s). You can view them later by checking Show Archived Events.
5. To see the details and attendees for a certain event, click that event's name.
Sync and Match Eventbrite Attendees
1. Navigate the the event details page by selecting the name of the event on the Eventbrite Events page.
2. You can pull in a list of attendees and match this list with your Neon CRM accounts. Select Check for Updates to pull in your most recent registrations.
3. The attendees who signed up will appear below. At first, these accounts will not be linked to any Neon accounts.
4. To link them and/or create accounts for them, click Update Event Attendees.
Note: This starts a multi-step process for matching attendees to Neon CRM Accounts. Depending on your choices in each step, some steps may not be required and will be skipped.
Step 1 - Neon CRM-Matched accounts
Neon CRM will search based on Full Name and Email Address to suggest matches with existing accounts.
Keep the box checked and click continue if these matches are correct.
If the matches are incorrect, uncheck the box next to the Eventbrite attendee. You can search for a different match or create a new account in step 3.
Step 2 - Choose between multiple matching accounts
If there are multiple possible matches for an attendee, you will see step 2. This will provide match information about each account so that you can decide which should be associated with the registration.
Step 3 - Search for matches
This step lists any accounts that could not be automatically matched or that were unchecked in Step 1.
Either create a new account or use a name search to find and choose an existing account as a match. Click the magnifying glass to start your search.
If, instead, you would like to just ignore this Eventbrite attendee and not link or add them to Neon CRM, uncheck the box next to the attendee's name.
Step 4 - Cancelled and Deleted Registrations
Step 4 exists if you have deleted any registrations within Eventbrite. This step will detach the registration from the linked Neon account.
Clicking Check for Updates will also automatically remove deleted registrations from associated accounts.
Cancelled registrations will automatically update to a status of Not Attending when Check for Updates is clicked.
Step 5 - Summary
This step will provide a summary of the previous steps before you confirm. Click Submit to confirm, or Back to make changes.
Back on the event detail page, you will see your attendees are now linked to Neon CRM accounts.
To unlink any of them, check the box next to their name and click Unlink Attendees.
Eventbrite Details on a Neon Account
Eventbrite attendance history will appear on the Eventbrite History section of an account page.
If you do not see this section on your accounts, ensure it is not an Excluded Section. Read Configure Your Account View to learn more.
Eventbrite Details in Neon Reports
You can search based on Eventbrite criteria in most account-based reports, such as the Mailing Report, Email List, and All Accounts Report.
To view Eventbrite information as columns, run an Eventbrite Attendee Report, currently only available with Neon CRM's event module.
What data is synced over from Eventbrite to Neon CRM?
- Event Details
- Attendee Details