To add/update your Neon logo, header images, and favicon, navigate to the Settings cog > Global Settings > Brand Logo.
A default logo image will appear for new Neon CRM systems. There is no default header image.
Logo Image
To add your own logo or update an existing one, click to upload or drag and drop your image.
Once you've located the desired image on your computer, click "Open."
You'll then see that the logo image has been updated.
Header Image
To add/update your Neon logo, header images, and favicon, navigate to the Settings cog > Global Settings > Brand Logo.
If you are adding a header image for the first time, an image will not be displayed here, as shown in the example below. To add a new header image to your Neon CRM, click to upload or drag and drop your image.
Once you've located the desired image on your computer, click "Open."
You'll then see that the header image has been updated.
To add/update your Neon logo, header images, and favicon, navigate to the Settings cog > Global Settings > Brand Logo.
If you are adding a favicon for the first time, an image will not be displayed here, as shown in the example below. To add a new favicon to your Neon CRM, click to upload or drag and drop your image.
Once you've located the desired image on your computer, click "Open."
You'll then see that the favicon has been updated.