Learn how to enter and edit recurring donations in this step by step guide. This help guide will cover how to enter recurring donations into the Neon CRM.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Reporting on Recurring Donations
Recurring Donations from the Constituent Login Portal
Entering Recurring Donations
Neon CRM supports automatically recurring donations for credit card or eCheck transactions. This means that a donation will be automatically processed on a repeating basis, using any interval you define.
There are two approaches you can take when creating a recurring donation schedule:
- Starting immediately
- Starting later
Starting immediately
1. Navigate to the Quick Add button and Select Add Donation.
2. Enter the required donation fields. Beneath these fields, you'll see a toggle for Recurring Donation. Turn this on.
Field Name |
Description |
A. |
Donor |
Enter Donor Name. |
B. |
Amount |
Enter Donation Amount |
C. |
Date |
Select Date for donation. Note: Entering a donation in either of these ways will automatically process the first payment in the schedule immediately, even if you change the Donation Date. If you're creating a schedule but do not want the first payment to process right away, click here. |
D. |
Recurring |
Turn this on for recurring donations and specify how often you want the recurring donation to occur by specifying the recurring payment unit and increment. |
E. |
Every |
If you want the donation to be processed once per month, enter "1" into the Every field and choose Month from the dropdown. If you want the donation to be processed once per year, you can enter "12" into this field (i.e. every 12 months), or enter 1 and choose Year from the dropdown. |
F. |
End Date |
If you specify an End Date, the recurring donation will be automatically terminated on that date. No payments will be processed after this date. |
3. When finished, select Continue.
4. You will see the alert message below telling you that Recurring Donations can only be set up using Credit Card or E-Check/ACH as the tender type. Select OK.
5. Complete the pay information. When finished select Submit Payment.
6. When you navigate back to the constituent's account page you will see two new things in the donation section.
- A record of the donation you just processed under Donation History.
- A record of the new recurring donation under Recurring Donation Schedules. This shows the amount of the recurring donation, the next date it will be processed, and the end of the recurring period. If no end date was defined, the End Date area will be blank.
Note: If you click Actions (three dots), you can edit the schedule of this recurring donation. You can also set the schedule inactive.
Note: If you click into the Donation Detail record, you will have the option to Pay Now. The donation amount will be processed immediately. The recurring donation will then advance to the next scheduled date. You might use this if a constituent were to call and request their payment be processed earlier in a particular month.
Starting Later
1. If you want to create a recurring donation with a delayed start date, navigate to the constituent’s account page. Select Create New. then Recurring Donation Schedule.
2. On this page, enter the amount to be charged for each donation in the series, the frequency, and the Next Date. This is the date that you want the first transaction in the series to be processed.
3. You can allocate the recurring series to a Campaign, Fund, and/or Purpose, and also assign it a Source. This data will apply to every donation in the series.
4. Enter the payment information and click Submit to enable the recurring series. If you have E-Check/ACH payment enabled, you will see an option to select this method at the top of the payment section.
Viewing Recurring Donations
1. To see a list of all recurring donation schedules, navigate to Fundraising and select Recurring Donation Schedules.
2. From here, you can view all recurring donors and filter this list using the search filters at the top of the page.
- Compact View mode - shows basic information in a compact list.
- Comfortable View - shows more details about each schedule in an expanded list.
Note: If you see a "clasped hands" icon next to a schedule list record, that indicates that the recurring series is linked to a pledge on the account.
3. From this view page, you can click the Actions menu to edit a schedule, delete it, or make it inactive.
4. From either view, you can export the list to Excel or CSV:
Note: Only the compact list will be exported.
Editing Recurring Donations
Changing the Next Payment Date
1. To change the Next Date a recurring transaction will pull, navigate to Fundraising and select Recurring Donation Schedules.
2. Under Actions, select Edit next to the donor name.
3. By changing the Next Date, you change the date that the next recurring donation will be processed. The series will continue at the designated frequency from the new next date onward. When finished, select Submit.
Updating Credit Card Information as a System User
A system user may need to update the credit card information for a recurring donation on behalf of the donor.
1. To do this, select Edit next to the donor name.
2. From the edit page, select Replace Current Credit Card.
3. You will be prompted to enter the new payment details under the New Credit Card Information section. Select Submit to save the new credit card for this recurring donation.
Reporting on Recurring Donations
1. You can also see a list of recurring donation schedules by going to Reports and selecting New Report.
2. Select Fundraising and then Recurring Donation Report. This report includes a special search category called Recurring Donation Schedule where you can search on schedule properties. Select Create Report at the bottom of the pop-up.
3. Select Run Report.
The Donor Report and the Donation Detail Report also include the Recurring Donation Schedule search category and related output columns.
Note: To see only donations that are part of a schedule, use the criteria - Recurring Donation: Equal Yes.
Stopping Recurring Donations
You have two options for stopping a recurring donation:
1. Change the status to Inactive - this stops any further payments from being processed, but the recurring donation schedule and transaction information is preserved.
Note: If you change the status to Inactive, you can reactivate the recurring donation at a later time.
2. Delete - this removes the credit card or eCheck information and the recurring donation schedule. It does not delete past donations that were created by the recurring donation.
Recurring Donations on Forms
Note: If a constituent is completing a recurring transaction the "Pay Later" and "PayPal" options will not be available. A tooltip will display "This payment method is not available for recurring payments."
Recurring Donations on Standard Donation Forms
You can use configure fields & sections to add/remove the recurring donation option from your public and constituent donation forms. You can also change where the recurring donation fields appear on each donation form.
1. To add the recurring donation option, navigate to the Settings cog and select Global Settings.
2. Under Forms & Pages, select Configure Fields & Sections.
3. For Page Type dropdown, make sure Public Access Pages is selected. For Page Name drop down, make sure the Donation Form is selected. From the options below, make sure Edit Standard Form is selected. When finished, select Next.
4. Drag and drop the Recurring Donation Section field into the Selected column from the Page Fields Selector.
5. Customize the Display Name for the recurring donation options on the next page.
6. The Recurring Donation section will now be available on your Standard Donation Form.
Recurring Donations on Campaign Donation Forms
For each Campaign, you can configure whether or not recurring donations can be accepted for the Campaign, and if so, specific details about the types of recurring donations.
1. To edit these donation options for a Campaign, navigate to Fundraising and select Fundraising Campaigns.
2. Select Edit to access the settings for an existing Campaign.
3. Adjust your Campaign recurring donation options, then select Submit.
Field Name |
A. |
One-time donation |
Any donations made through this campaign form will only be processed once. |
B. |
Recurring donation with End Date |
The form will only create recurring donations, which will recur until the end date (specified here) is reached. |
C. |
Recurring donation with Repeat |
The form will only create recurring donations, which will repeat the number of times specified here. |
D. |
Allow both one-time and recurring donations on the same form |
The form will present the option to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. The user will be able to specify an end date of their choice. |
Recurring Donations from the Constituent Login Portal
To allow your constituent to create a new recurring donation from the login portal, you must enable the Display Recurring Donation Link setting.
1. Navigate to Settings cog and select Global Settings.
2. Under Constituent Portal, select Portal Pages.
3. Select Edit next to Donations.
4. Check the box Display “Recurring Donation” Link and select Save Changes.
Editing Recurring Donations from the Constituent Login Portal
A constituent can log in to their Neon account to make changes to their recurring donation schedule and update their payment information.
1. To do this, they can select Edit.
2. Selecting Edit takes the donor to your Constituent Recurring Donation page. From here, they can update their billing information and modify the details of their recurring payment schedule. For security reasons, the donor must re-enter their credit card information in order to submit any changes made on this page. If the constituent's most recent recurring donation was declined, they can change the Next Payment Date (MM/DD/YYYY) to the following day.