If your organization offers many benefits inside of the Constituent Login Portal, you may want to encourage returning supporters to login to their existing NeonCRM account. You can do so with the Login Prompt.
Enabling the Login Prompt
What Happens Next?
Log In
Send Recovery Email
Continue as new account
Login Prompt
When enabled, the Login Prompt:
- Prompts constituents to log in before filling out your forms
- Helps reduce form abandonment by displaying all options in a single window and allowing constituents to continue to their selected form without logging in
- Redirects the constituent to the destination form after they log in or reset their password
- Embeds additional "Have an account? Click here to log in" links in the header area of each enabled form
Enabling the Login Prompt
To begin, navigate to Settings cog > Global Settings > Account Duplicate Management > Login Prompt.
This will take you to a page where you can configure the Login Prompt settings for your online forms.
The Login Prompt is enabled based upon the type of form. To enable the feature, toggle the switch to On (Blue) for each type of form in the list.
You can also add custom header and footer content to the Login Prompt under Customize Prompt.
Click Save to save your changes.
Note: You can now enable the Login Prompt on a form-by-form basis for Donation, Membership, and Account forms in the form builder per the image below.
What Happens Next?
When a constituent clicks on a link to one of your enabled forms, the following window will appear:
The constituent is given several options to choose from:
- Log In - Enter their login name and password to continue.
- Sign in with their Facebook or X account (if Social Media Login is enabled for your forms).
- Recover Account - submit the email address associated with their account to recover their login information.
- Close the prompt window and complete the form as a new account.
Log In
Send Recovery Email
Users can enter their email address and click Recover Account to see if they already have a NeonCRM account associated with their email address:
When they submit their email address, they will receive the following message:
If a match is found, Neon will send the Reset Password system email to the address that they entered.
Complete as new account
The user can also close the window and continue without logging in. Users who select this option will complete the public access (non-logged in) version of the form.
On each form for which Login Prompt is enabled, however, an additional link is automatically embedded in the header section:
This way, if a user closes the login window and then changes their mind, they can click that link and re-open it so that they can log in.