The Account List page is a searchable list of accounts in your Neon CRM system. By default, it's sorted by the most recently created accounts. To reach this page, navigate to Accounts Accounts.
Searching for accounts
Use the search filters at the top of the page to find accounts. You can find accounts by doing any of the following:
- Search by Account Name, Account ID or Email Address
- Filter the list by the Account Created Date - either Today, This Month, This Year, or a custom date range
- Filter the list by Account Type - Individual or Company
- Filter the list by State (US/Canadian states, provinces or territories)
- Filter the list by Origin Category (learn more about Origins here)
If you frequently view this list filtered a particular way (e.g. just company accounts), you can Save Filters. When you return to the page, the list will be filtered. It does not impact other Users.
Viewing the Results
The results of the search are shown in a table below.
By default, the results are sorted by Create Time, showing the most recently created accounts at the top. Click on the top row of a column to sort the results by that column.
Adjusting Name Display
By default, the Account List page will show individual names in the format [First Name] [Last Name]. If you would like to be able to sort the list by Last Name, you can adjust this display.
Go to Global Settings Account Name Display.
Adjust the Display to [Last Name], [First Name] and save your changes.
Now, your Account List page will display individual names by Last Name.
Other Actions
In addition to searching and viewing results, you may also:
- Choose which columns appear in your results
- Export your results to Excel or CSV
Selecting Columns
To select which columns appear in the results section, click the Configure Columns icon next to the search bar.
Check the boxes for the fields you would like to see, and/or uncheck any columns you don't need. Your Account List view will change automatically, and the changes will remain unless you decide to reconfigure the view.
Changing this setting will only affect your own user account; it will not change the column preferences for other system users.
Exporting the list
To export your Account List, click the Export icon near the Search field and select Excel or CSV.
If your list has been filtered or is the result of a search, only the results will be exported.