You can use NeonCRM to automatically track your product inventory. NeonCRM can:
- Provide a snapshot of your product inventory
- Automatically subtract items from the inventory when they are purchased
- Display an “Out of Stock” message and prevent orders of items with an inventory quantity of zero
Inventory tracking is enabled on a product-by-product basis. To enable inventory tracking for a product, navigate to Store Inventory.
Use the filters or search to find a particular item.
If your product has options (e.g. size, color, style etc.), you can manage inventory for each option separately.
This lets you see either Active (available online) or Inactive products.
Managed Products
Selecting “Managed” products shows you the items that you are tracking with the Inventory system. Selecting Not Managed shows you a list of items that are not being tracked with the Inventory system.
Adding Inventory
Locate the item in the inventory list and click the Pencil icon to Manage Inventory.
This will allow you to adjust the quantity. Click Add to add the entered number to this product variant's inventory. Click Set to establish the the number in the inventory without regard to the current number.
In the example below, Add 1 will make the inventory 26. Set 1 will make the inventory 1.
Once an item is Managed, Neon CRM will automatically deduct quantities when it is ordered. NeonCRM will also display an “Out of Stock” notice on the store when the quantity reaches zero. Constituents will not be able to purchase the item.