Please note: This feature is only available for Neon CRM instances created before June 29, 2024. If you are interested in adding Peer-to-Peer functionality to your suite of Neon One tools, email the Client Account Manager team at to explore whether Neon Fundraise may be a good fit for your organization.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is a powerful tool to empower your constituents to help your fundraising efforts. Using Neon CRM's Peer-to-Peer Fundraising module, constituents can create their own, customized fundraising pages and ask people from their personal networks for contributions.
Before You Begin
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages are created to raise funds for a particular Fundraising Campaign. Multiple pages can be created for the same campaign, but you must have at least one campaign in your system before you can create a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page.
1. If you haven't created a campaign yet, click on Fundraising Campaigns in the Fundraising menu.
2. Select New Campaign.
3. On the Basic Information Step 1 page, enter your Campaign Name and, optional, Campaign Code. The code is for internal use only. Then, select Next.
4. Complete the Basic Information Step 2 page. This includes, adding a campaign goal and uploading a campaign image. You will also see a preview of the goal meter to the right of the page. Then, select Next.
Note: You need to create a campaign goal if you plan to use the goal meter.
5. On the Basic Information Step 3 page, establish the Start and End Date for your campaign donations. Then, select Next.
6. The Basic Information Step 4 page allows you to enable Peer-to-Peer by turning on the toggle. The Peer-to-Peer feature allows you and your constituents to create personalized fundraising pages which can be shared with donors. Turn the Toggle on. When finished, select Continue to Allocation Settings.
7. On the Allocation Settings Step 1 page, you can make this campaign the default campaign by turning the toggle on. You can also select a parent campaign. Parent campaigns allow you to group together campaigns for easier reporting. Select Next.
8. The next page allows you to set Allocation Field default for this campaign. Allocation field defaults save time when entering new donations. If you allocate a donation to this campaign, the solicitation method, fund, and purpose will automatically populate with your selected values. Here you can set a default solicitation method, fund, or purpose. When complete, select Next.
9. Lastly, set the default Advantage Amount for this campaign. This field is specifically for Canadian clients. The Advantage Amount and Description can be changed for each donation later, before issuing the receipt. In the corresponding fields, enter the Advantage Amount and an applicable description. When finished, select Create Campaign.
10. A pop-up window will display to notify you that your campaign was successfully created. Select Close and Exit.
This will bring you back to the Campaigns page. You new campaign will be listed in the table below.
Once your campaign is created, you can then start configuring your Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser settings.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising List Pages
1. Go to Fundraising and select Peer-to-Peer Fundraising.
This page will list all of your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaigns in a searchable, sortable list. Select any campaign to visit the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Detail Page for that campaign.
Click on the Fundraisers tab to see a list of all Peer-to-Peer fundraisers, across all of your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaigns. Click on a Fundraiser's name to visit their account, or click on their Fundraising Pages to see a list of their current and past fundraising donation pages and fundraising totals.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Detail Page
To configure settings related to your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising campaign, select the Manage Peer To Peer tab on the Campaign page. This will take you to the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Detail page for a specific Peer-to-Peer Campaign.
You can also go to Fundraising Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and click on the name of the campaign you want to configure.
From this page, you can do the following:
- View a summary and totals for all campaign transactions assigned to a peer-to-peer fundraiser
- Set up the general fundraising page content for this campaign
- Configure some additional options for page setup
- Create fundraising pages for existing individual accounts
- View transaction totals by fundraiser and access any fundraiser's detail page
- View and manage team pages
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign Summary
In this section, you can view contribution totals by type (donation, pledge, event registration) as well as a grand total of all payments credited to peer-to-peer fundraisers for this campaign:
This is also where you can find the Create Fundraiser and Campaign Fundraiser List links.
General Fundraising Page Content
While most of the display of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages is pre-configured, you have control over two aspects of your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages:
- Edit Header Image - add a header image.
- Edit Fundraising Page Content - add a description of your campaign.
To configure these two settings, go to the Fundraising Page Content section.
Edit Header Image
The header image appears on all individual Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Pages and all Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Donation Forms. In practice, a short and wide (think banner) image works best here.
Click Edit Header Image to upload a new image.
Select an image from your computer by clicking Browse, and then click Upload to upload your image to this campaign.
Edit Fundraising Page Content
Use the content editor to add or edit content. Use this area to provide a brief overview of the objectives of your Fundraising Campaign. This will appear at the top of your Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser List (All Fundraisers) page, and below the fundraiser's personal content on their individual fundraising page.
Click Edit Fundraising Page Content to edit this content section.
Click Submit when finished editing.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Settings
To configure some additional options, click the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Settings button at the top of the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign Detail page.
Here, you can view and edit the following features for this campaign:
Enable "Create Page" button on fundraising pages
If disabled, this setting removes the "Become a Fundraiser" button and disables the Create Fundraiser Link. Disabling this option prevents constituents from becoming Fundraisers.
Enable Fundraising Team
Enable "All Fundraisers" page
Disabling this option will remove the "All Fundraisers" button from peer-to-peer fundraising pages, and deactivate the "Campaign Fundraiser List" page. If you try to navigate to this page directly when this setting is disabled, you will be redirected to the campaign page.
Enable "Supporters" list on Peer-to-Peer fundraising pages
Disabling this option will hide the list of donors and event registrants at the bottom of a peer-to-peer fundraising page.
Enable Fundraiser Statistic charts for logged-in fundraisers
Disabling this option will hide the large donut charts that are shown to fundraisers when they log in to manage their page.
Enable embeddable sidebar widget for fundraising pages
When enabled, NeonCRM generates a code snippet that logged-in Fundraisers for this campaign can access from the Share My Page tab in your constituent login portal. They can copy this code and embed it on any web page they like in order to display the Fundraising Widget specific to this campaign. System Users can also access this code by clicking on the "View Code Snippet" link from a fundraiser detail page.
Enabling this option gives you some further configuration options for this widget, as shown below.
Additional Field Options for the Donation Form
By default, the Peer-to-Peer fundraising donation form only collects the first name, last name, and email address of the donor. This makes the donation process as simple as possible in a situation where the donors may want to support the fundraiser, but not necessarily to commit to your organization.
However, you can add phone and mailing address fields to your Peer-to-Peer fundraising donation forms for any campaign. To do this, check the Enable collection of donor address on peer-to-peer fundraising donation pages box under Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Settings. You will then see a list of field options:
You can choose which fields to display. You can also choose to make them required. You cannot re-label these fields, nor can you change the order in which they appear.
Applying Themes
You can also apply a Theme to the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages for this campaign.
Create Fundraiser Exit Page URL
When you allow fundraisers to create their own pages using the "Create Page" button, they will be prompted to set up a new NeonCRM account if they are not already logged in. After filling out the NeonCRM Account Registration form, they receive a confirmation message "Thank you for submitting your information!"
Next, constituents will receive an email confirming their new NeonCRM account and prompting them to create a password, then they can log in and continue setting up their fundraising page.
It can be helpful to include more detailed instructions on the confirmation message, so fundraisers know to expect an email and/or to log in to create their page. Instead of the default message, you can set up your own custom Exit Page for the Create Fundraiser form to display detailed instructions for fundraisers. Create your custom exit page (either on your website or with a NeonCRM Custom Web Page), then add the URL to the Create Fundraiser Exit Page URL box.
How does someone become a Fundraiser?
Individuals can become Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers by creating a Fundraising page for a particular campaign. They can do this online, or a system user can create a page for them.
Fundraisers Adding Themselves
Ideally, your constituents will create their own fundraising pages for your campaign. They can do this from any of the following links:
- Create Fundraiser Link - This link takes you directly to the form for creating an account and subsequently creating a fundraising page for this campaign.
From the Campaign Fundraiser List Page - This page displays the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising campaign description and a list of all active fundraising pages for this campaign. There is a "Become a Fundraiser" at the top of this page for people who decide they want to create their own page.
Both of these links can be found at the bottom of the Campaign Summary section of the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising detail page. -
From an individual Fundraiser's page - Each fundraiser's page can include a "Create a Page" button for people who are inspired by other peer-to-peer fundraisers to raise funds for your campaign themselves. This option must be enabled in the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Settings for this campaign.
Adding Fundraisers as a System User
You can also manually create pages for your constituents.
To create a page for an existing account, click Add Fundraiser.
Search by name for the individual account, and click their name to select them.
This action creates a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page and adds them to the list of Fundraisers.
For each Fundraiser, you can do the following:
- Click on their name - This takes you to their account detail page.
- Click Detail - This takes you to a page with more detailed information about this particular fundraising page.
- Click Web - This takes you to their actual live fundraising webpage.
- Click Delete - This will delete their fundraising page entirely.
Adding Fundraisers from the Account Detail Page
You can also add Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages to an account directly from their Account page. Find the section labeled Peer-to-peer Fundraising. This section includes a list of all of this person's pages. It also shows summary statistics about their fundraising history.
To add a new page to this account, click New Fundraising Page.
Select one or more Campaigns for which you would like to create a page and click Create Page.
Fundraisers Managing Themselves
Once someone has become a fundraiser, they can manage their own page content, copy their page link to share, view their progress and a current list of their supporters, view and manage supporter comments, join or create a team, and even deactivate their page if they choose.
We have created a downloadable guide that you can distribute to your fundraisers and modify its contents as you see fit.
Fundraiser Detail Page
This page allows you to view and manage details of any fundraiser's page. You can access this page by clicking the Detail link from any of the following locations:
- The Fundraisers section of the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign Detail page
- The Peer-to-Peer Fundraising section of any individual's Account detail page
- The Fundraisers list of the fundraiser's Team Detail page (if the fundraiser is part of a team)
From a Fundraiser detail page, you can do the following:
- Set their personal fundraising goal
- Delete or Disable the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page
- Set up a custom URL for the fundraising page
- Set up or edit their personal message
- Set up or edit their personal photo
- View donation history for their page
- View campaign-related event registrations credited to this fundraiser
- View or disable donation comments (You cannot edit a Comment, but you can hide or delete it.)
Grouping Fundraisers into Teams
Some of your fundraisers might want to raise money as a group and have their individual totals be summed up together. To do this, you can enable teams for a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.
Enabling Teams for a Campaign
Navigate to your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign Detail page and click Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Settings.
There, you can activate teams for this campaign by checking Enable Fundraising Team.
To let people sign up for teams publicly, enable the Join Team button. (There is another Join Team button that can be enabled for the sidebar widget, if that is enabled.) If you want only administrators to determine who is on a team, leave the Join Team button box unchecked.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers Creating Their Own Teams
Your fundraisers can create and manage their own teams from the Teams tab of their page management interface in the constituent login portal. They can either join a team (if any exist) or create their own with themselves as team captain.
If they create their own team, your fundraiser will then be able to manage team details such as the team goal, page title, team link URL, and team page content.
Managing Teams as a System User
Choose a fundraiser to be captain for a team. Navigate to that fundraiser's page details.
On the fundraiser's detail page, their Fundraising Team will be listed under the links to their various forms. By default the team will be None. Add a team by clicking Change.
You can choose whether to Add a new team - making this account team captain - or add them to someone else's existing team.
Once a team is created, you edit the team's page title and content by clicking the team name.
Team Page Content
Clicking the team name link will navigate to the team page content. This is similar to the individual fundraising detail page, but includes the totals and page detail for the entire team. The participating fundraisers and their totals are listed below the content area.
Adding Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Donations as a System User
As a System User, you can add donations and credit them to a fundraiser. These donations will appear on their online peer-to-peer fundraising page and counts towards their fundraising goal. If your campaign accepts checks, for example, this is the preferred method to add them to a page.
To add a donation and credit a fundraiser, click the Quick Add button New Donation.
In addition to the Donor Name and Amount, you need to select the correct Campaign. If there are any Fundraisers for that campaign, their names will appear as options in the Fundraiser menu under Source.
Complete your donation transaction as you would any other donation.
On the Summary page, you will see a checkbox option to send a fundraiser donation notification system email to the fundraiser, as well as the standard donation appreciation system email and/or letter to the donor.
After successfully entering the donation, you will see it reflected in several places:
- It will be logged as a donation on the donor's account.
- It will be displayed on the Peer-to-Peer fundraising page.
- It will be displayed on the fundraiser detail page.
- It will be displayed to the fundraiser in their page configuration interface.
- If the fundraiser is part of a team, that donation will be added to the team total.
Reporting on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
The Fundraiser Summary report under Reports New Report Campaign returns one row per fundraising page in the results. If an individual has more than one page that fits your criteria, the data for each page will appear in a separate row.
The available criteria for this report includes various Peer-to-Peer fundraiser data including Fundraiser and Team names, page titles, campaigns, and totals. Many of these are also available as output columns for this report.
In addition, the Donation Detail Report under Reports New Report Donation allows searching by the following Peer-to-Peer Fundraising data:
- Donation Fundraiser
- Donation Fundraiser Comment
You can also add the following columns to the report's output columns:
- Fundraiser
- Fundraiser Comment
- Fundraising Page Title
System Emails and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Donors who contribute to a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising page will receive a Donation Appreciation System Email. You can customize the email they receive by doing the following:
- Create a System Email Version specifically for peer-to-peer fundraising donations. A <> token is available for this email type, which will populate with the name of the fundraiser their donation supported, or the title of the fundraiser's page if it exists.</>
- Create a condition for your system email that triggers your email version based on the fundraiser name.
A constituent who follows the Create Fundraiser Link and clicks the Create New Account button will be directed to the 'createFundraiser.jsp?' page. Submitting this form will create a new Neon account and trigger a system email.
If enabled in your system email global settings, the New Fundraiser Account system email will be sent.
However, if the New Fundraiser Account system email is not enabled, the form submission will instead trigger the Account Registration system email.
Note: The Account Registration email may be blocked by the Account Match tool which recognizes duplicate accounts. For that reason, we recommend enabling the the New Fundraiser Account system email which is not impacted by account matching.
Fundraisers can be notified when a donation is made to one of their pages by enabling the Fundraiser Donation Notification system email.