System Emails are automatically generated messages that Neon CRM can send to constituents. These messages are sent in response to a constituent performing some sort of interaction with Neon CRM. While Neon CRM has a predetermined list of automatic system emails, you can configure the content that will appear in each message by building your own versions.
Once you've customized and enabled your System Emails, the default behavior is controlled by your System Email & Letter Defaults.
System Emails are configured here:
Settings Icon > Global Settings > Communications > Transaction Acknowledgements: System Emails
Types of System Emails
The different types of system emails are broken out into six categories via the tabs on the System Emails page:
Account Emails
- Account Form Confirmation – sends when any Account Form is submitted by a constituent or when triggered by a system user during account creation.
- Login Activation (Account Match) – sends if login credentials are created through a form and the resulting account is automatically merged via Account Match.
- Login Activation (Partial Match Queue) – this email is automatically sent upon manually merging accounts in the Partial Match Queue, if the newly merged account contains login credentials created through a form.
- Account Update – notifies a staff user that a constituent has updated their contact information in the constituent login portal. This email is triggered by a logged-in constituent submitting changes to the "Update My Profile" constituent page, which is one of the standard menu options.*Only sends to the BCC emails and not the constituent.
- New Fundraiser Account - sends to Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers after they sign up to begin fundraising prompting them to log in to create their fundraiser page.
- Birthday – sends to a constituent on their birthday.
- Document Upload – sends to a CC or BCC email address when a constituent uploads a document through the constituent login portal.
- Reset Password – message containing a link to create a login name and password or reset a password for an existing Neon account.
Donation Emails
- Donation Anniversary – sends to a constituent on the yearly anniversary of a successful donation.
- Donation Appreciation – acknowledgement email sent to donors after a successful donation.
- Donation Appreciation - Pay Later – acknowledgement email sent to donors who fill out the donation form, but say they will send payment at a later time. Learn how to enable the option to Pay Later here.
- Tribute Acknowledgement - sends to the donation Acknowledgee account after the Tribute and Acknowledgee are reconciled by a system user.
- Soft Credit Recipient Acknowledgement - sends to a soft credit recipient for a donation, membership, or event registration after the soft credit is created.
- Matched Donation Acknowledgement - sends to the donor of the gift that was matched, after the match pledge is fulfilled.
- Fundraiser Donation Notification – sends to a social fundraiser when a donation is made to one of their fundraising pages.
- Recurring Donation Schedule Created - sends when a new recurring donation schedule is created for an account. This email does not replace the Donation Appreciation email if a donation is made at the same time the schedule is created.
- Recurring Donation Notice - sends to recurring donors in advance of a new payment being processed through their recurring schedule.
- Recurring Donation Error Notice – notification of a problem with a recurring donation (e.g., expired credit card).
- Pledge Invoice - sends for open pledges in advance of a Pledge Due Date or Installment Due Date if one is set. The email can optionally include an attached PDF invoice.
- Pledge Overdue Notice - sends for open pledges if a set Pledge Due Date or Installment Due Date has passed and the pledge or installment remains open. The email can optionally include an attached PDF invoice.
Event Emails
- Purchase Complete Email - sends to the Next Generation Events registrant when their order is complete, and contains all tickets for all attendees and occurrences sold in that purchase.
- Occurrence Confirmation - sends to Next Generation Events registrants when their order is complete, and contains all of the tickets for an occurrence. If the order contains multiple occurrences, multiple emails will be sent.
- Refund and Release - sends to the Next Generation Events registrant after a refund and/or release is complete.
- Occurrence Reminder - sends to the Next Generation Events registrant in advance of each occurrence they are registered for, and contains all of the tickets for an occurrence.
- Exchange - sends to the Next Generation Events registrant when an Exchange is complete.
- Waitlist Confirmation - sends to the Next Generation Events registrant who sign up for an event’s waitlist.
- Notify Me (Waitlist) - sends to the Next Generation Events waitlist registrant if additional capacity becomes available for a full event with the “Waitlist (Notify Me)” setting.
- Attendee Reminder - sends to Next Generation Events attendees (if attendee information is collected for the Event) in advance of the occurrence they are registered for, and contains that attendee's ticket for the occurrence.
- Attendee Confirmation - sends to Next Generation Events attendees (if attendee information is collected for the Event) and contains their ticket for an occurrence. If the order contains multiple occurrences, multiple emails will be sent.
- Event Registration – sends to an event registrant after they successfully register. *Does not send until the full registration amount has been paid.
- Event Registration - Pay Later – acknowledgement email sent to event registrants who fill out the registration form, but say they will send payment at a later time. Learn how to enable the option to Pay Later here.
- Event Reminder – notifies registrants of an upcoming event. Sends to the registrant on a specified number of days in advance of the event start date. Edit the message settings to set the "Advanced Days".
Membership Emails
- Membership Registration – sends to a member after they register for a new membership.
- Membership Registration - Pay Later – acknowledgement email sent to folks who fill out the membership form, but say they will send payment at a later time. Learn how to enable the option to Pay Later here.
- Membership Renewal Completion Notice – sends to a member after they successfully renew a membership.
- Membership Renewal - Pay Later – acknowledgement email sent to members who fill out the renewal form, but say they will send payment at a later time. Learn how to enable the option to Pay Later here.
- Membership Due – scheduled to send a certain number of days in advance of their membership expiration date.
Membership Overdue – scheduled to send a certain number of days after their membership has lapsed.
- Membership Auto-Renewal Enabled - sends when a member sets up auto-renewal for their membership. This email does not replace the Membership Registration or Membership Renewal Completion email if the member also completes a new membership payment while setting up auto-renewal.
- Membership Auto-Renewal Notice – sends to a member before their membership is set to auto-renew. You specify the number of days in advance that you want this email to go out.
- Membership Auto-Renewal Error Notice – notification of a problem with an auto-renewed membership (e.g., expired credit card).
Store Emails
- Purchase Acknowledgement – sends to a constituent after a store purchase.
- Purchase Acknowledgement - Pay Later – acknowledgement email sent for store orders who say they will send payment at a later time. Learn how to enable the option to Pay Later here.
- Shipping Notice – sends to a constituent when a store order has been marked Shipped in Neon CRM
Neon Pay
- Neon Pay Refund - sends when a refund is processed.
- Neon Pay Refund Failure Notice - sends if a refund is attempted but fails, typically due to a closed bank account or card.
- Neon Pay Payment Failure Notice - sends if a payment that was initially successful later fails during the charge capture process. This is rare but can happen with ACH payments. If a donor's credit card payment fails on a form, they are notified immediately and no email is sent.
Activating and Deactivating System Emails
On the System Emails page, you activate or deactivate system emails by using the Active toggle next to each system email type.
The Off setting will turn off the system email entirely. It will not be sent even if the appropriate trigger occurs.
The On setting means that the system email will send as appropriate depending on the settings selected in System Email & Letter Defaults.
Note: Some System Emails, such as the Reset Password, Shipping Notice, & Purchase Acknowledgement System Emails, cannot be disabled.
Configuring System Emails
Each System Email type has slightly different settings. Within the Actions icon you will have three options:
- Add New Version - allows you to create a new version of this email directly from this page.
- View Default Version - the email version that will send if no other conditions are met. View it from this page by clicking View next to the name of the Default Version.
- Edit Settings & Versions - This brings you to the Email details page where you can edit settings, add conditions, or build a new version. You can also access this page by selecting the name of the email from the row.
System Email Settings
By default, the settings will pull in your sender information from your Organization Profile.
To change the settings for all of the versions of this type of email, click Edit.
Here you can choose which From email address, Email subject, and CC and/or BCC email addresses will be added by default when a new version of this email type is created, or you can go back to to using the system defaults.
By adding your staff users' email addresses to the BCC Email field, you can ensure that your staff users receive a copy of the email when it is sent. The BCC Email field accepts up to 250 characters, so you can enter as many emails as you like so long as you don't exceed the 250 character limit. Separate each BCC email address with a comma (no spaces).
Click Next to save your configuration settings.
When you build a new version of a system email, you are given the option to enter the BCC Email for that particular version. If you leave this field blank, then Neon will use the default BCC email from your system email settings. If you DO enter a BCC email address for an email version, then it will override the default setting.
Versions & Conditions
You can set up more than one message for each System Email. These messages are called Versions. You can also set Conditions to tell Neon CRM to send a certain version when a certain circumstance occurs.
Default Version
All Neon CRM systems come with a Neon CRM Standard Version for most of the system emails. Please note: This version cannot be altered. As an alternative, you may select Copy Version by selecting this option in the three dot Action Menu at the right side of the email version row. See Copy the Neon CRM Standard Version feature for more information. The rest of these emails cannot be copied to other versions.
Note: There are NO Neon CRM Standard Versions for Event Reminder, Birthday, or Donation Anniversary System Emails.
Creating New Versions
To create your own messages, click on the button to build a new version, or Copy an existing version to start with that version's content and make changes. You can also copy the content from an existing email after you've already started.
Each different message you create is called a Version.
Once published, a version's content cannot be edited, but the message settings (subject, sender name, BCC, etc.) can be edited by clicking Edit next to the sender information.
Create Conditions
While only one version can be set as the default for each System Email, you can set Conditions to send different versions to different types of constituents.
The version set as the Default is the one that will be sent out at the appropriate time, when no additional conditions are met.
The process to set up a conditional system email is:
- Create a version of the email that you want to be sent to your specific constituents
- Create a New Condition
- Specify the Version that will be sent to this group
- Specify the conditions that will determine who this Version is sent to.
Calendar Reminders
When editing the message settings for the Event Registration and Event Reminder system emails, you now have the option to Attach Calendar Reminder. When this setting is enabled, Neon will add links to the email so that recipients can add the event to their iCal, Outlook or Google Calendar.