If you want to create different emails for donations made in Honor or Memory of someone, then you'll need to:
- Create a new tribute record and select Honor or Memory from the "Type" field.
- Add the Tribute Name and Type fields to a standard donation form.
- Create a New Version.
- Create a New Condition.
Tribute Type
When you add a new Tribute Record to your list, you are able to designate the Type as Honor or Memory.
You can also include the Tribute Type & Name fields on a standard donation form.
This will allow donors the ability to designate the Tribute Type on your donation forms, as shown in the example below.
New Version
Create a new version of the Donation Appreciation system email to use exclusively for donations made in tribute to someone.
When building the version, you can use the <> email token. <></></>
New Condition
Create a new condition for the Donation Appreciation system email. This tells Neon to send a specific version of the email to donors that meet the conditions specified.
If you want to send different version based on the Tribute Type, then you'd create two conditions.
Use this criteria to set up a condition for donations made in memory of someone:
Tribute Type: Equal 'Memory'
Use this criteria to set up a condition for donations made in honor of someone:
Tribute Type: Equal 'Honor'