Every page of your Inspire site contains the following sections:
- Main Header
- Top Line
- Main Footer
- Widget Footer
These sections are configured once and appear the same on every page of your Inspire site.
Additional information on how to edit your Header and Top Bar is available through the Page Builder guide: Customizer settings: The Header tab. Information on how to edit the Main Footer is available through the Page Builder guide: Customizer settings: The Footer tab.
Main Header
The Main Header contains your logo, organization name, and main navigation menu. (See the light green section in the image below.)
To edit your logo or organization name, navigate to the Customize menu:
1. In the administrative backend of WordPress, you'll find this menu in Appearance > Customize.
Alternatively, if you are on a front-end webpage, you will see the Customize option in the black header bar at the top of your screen.
2. In the Customize menu, select Header.
Header Logo
Include a logo or text in your header to indicate your organization's name and branding. To include an image, select Image from the dropdown and add an existing image from your Media Library or upload a new image to your Media Library.
Note: There are two image options available: Logo Image (Regular) and Logo Image (Retina). Logo Image (Retina) is designed for new devices with higher resolution displays. This is optional and allows you to include images that adapt to your users' native screen resolution.
Header Layout
Choose where the menu (created in your Dashboard) displays in your header. You can also adjust the amount of padding to adjust the vertical space in your header. Finally, this section provides you with options regarding your header when the page is scrolled.
Header Style
This is where you can edit the background and text colors of your header.
Nav Layout
This is where you can determine the spacing of your menu, turn the search feature on or off and control the mobile menu logo.
Nav Style
This is where you can control the font family, size, color and format for your menu within the header.
Top Line
The Top Bar is where you have the option to add additional content to your header in two columns. That is the darker green in the screenshot below. This is optional.
Top Bar Layout
This is where you choose if there is 0, 1 or 2 columns in the Top Bar. If you choose 0 columns, the Top Bar will not appear. Once you choose the number of columns, drop downs will appear for each column allowing you indicate what belongs in that column.
Top Bar Style
This is where you choose the background color and text colors of your Top Bar.
Main Footer
The Main Footer is the white area in the screenshot below. It can be broken into two columns.
To edit the Main Footer, the settings are also found in Customize. We will walk through each of the sections below.
Footer Layout
This is where you choose if there is 0, 1 or 2 columns in the Main Footer. If you choose 0 columns, the Main Footer will not appear. Once you choose the number of columns, drop downs will appear for each column allowing you indicate what belongs in that column.
Footer Style
This is where you choose the background color and text colors of your Main Footer.
Footer Parallax
This is where you can choose to turn on the Footer Parallax, which will make your Main Footer appear as if grows from the bottom of the page as you scroll to the very bottom of the screen.
Widget Footer

This footer can be edited in two places. The formatting for the footer is edited in the Customize Menu, under the two options below.
Footer Widgets Layout
This is where you can determine if the Widget Footer will display on your All Pages, your Home Page or if it is disabled entirely.
Footer Widgets Style
This is where you choose the background color and text colors of your Widget Footer.
To add the Widgets to the Widget Footer, you can access the options from the Appearance Menu and click Widgets.
From here you can edit the four columns of the Widget Footer, by dropping any of the available Widgets into each column. The number of columns you use, will determine the width of each column. For example using two columns will result in much wider columns than using four columns. If you would like to add text to one of the Footer Columns and leave it blank, that will allow additional spacing between the columns.