Your Navigation Menu runs across the top of your Inspire site, allowing people to access various pages, NeonCRM forms and external links.
Accessing Your Menu
To access your Menu settings, go to the administrative backend of your Inspire site, hover over appearance and click Menus.
You will be taken to this screen:
From here, you can add or remove menu items.
Adding a Menu Item
To add a menu item, you will pick from one of the 4 options, mentioned above:
- Pages from your Inspire site
- Blog Posts
- Custom Links
- Neon Forms, Campaigns and Events
You will select the type of menu item you want to add.
Pages from your Inspire site: select the checkbox next the page(s) you would like to add, then click the Add to Menu button. Those pages will then be automatically added to your menu.
Posts: select the checkbox next the posts(s) you would like to add, then click the Add to Menu button. Those posts will then be automatically added to your menu.
Custom Links: copy and paste the URL you want to add to your menu to the URL box. In the Link Text box, add the label you would like to display in the menu, then click the Add to Menu button. Those pages will then be automatically added to your menu.
Neon Forms, Campaigns and Events: select the checkbox next to the NeonCRM form(s) you would like to add, then click the Add to Menu button. Those posts will then be automatically added to your menu.
Removing a Menu Item
To remove a menu item, select the arrow on the far right to open the drop down for each item. From here you can edit the menu item or click the red remove link.
Organizing the Menu
Organizing the menu is done through via drag and drop. To nest menu items, drag the item to the right, so it appears indented below the item above. In the screenshot below, About is the main heading, with Get Involved, Animals, Crops and Contact Us all being nested at the same level. Volunteer is nested below Get Involved. Then Fundraising, is a new main heading.
On the front end of the Inspire site, the hierarchy looks like this as you hover over each level.