Tender Types
The Tender Type lists all the payment methods your organization accepts. It will appear as a drop-down field when entering a payment. To configure tender types, navigate to: Global Setting cog > Global Settings > Payments & Transactions > Tender Types > Edit Tender Types button.
Standard Tender Types
The list of standard tender types come pre-loaded with every Neon CRM. Credit Card (Online) is used to process a credit card transaction through your Credit Card Gateway (e.g. Neon Payment Processing). Credit Card (Offline - No Charge) will NOT process the card; it simply records that the card has been (or will be) processed externally.
There may be standard tender types that you do not accept. Change the status to Inactive for any tender types that you do not use.
Custom Tender Types
You may create a custom tender type by selecting Add a New Tender Type at the bottom of the Tender Types page, as seen in the image below.
A blank tender type field will appear, as seen below. Enter the name of the tender type in the large input field. You may enter an option Code in the small input for internal use purposes. Ensure the toggle on the right is turned on and then select Save. Your new tender type is now available.