The Files module of Neon CRM can allow logged in constituents to upload files to their own accounts. These files must be approved by a User to appear on the account. This feature could be used, for example, if a potential volunteer must submit a scan of their drivers license after the application.
To allow constituents to upload files, navigate to Settings Global Settings File Manager Settings.
Change Allow logged-in constituents to upload files to Yes.
Here you also have the option to set a maximum file size for constituents to upload. This can prevent people from uploading files that are too large. Leaving the max file size limit field empty will allow uploads of any file size up to your remaining available storage space.
If you allow logged-in constituents to upload documents, constituents who log in to your Constituent Login Portal and navigate to the Files page will see a link to Upload a New Document and be able to view their previously uploaded, approved documents.
If you do not see the Files item added to your constituent login portal dropdown menu, navigate to Global Settings > Constituent Login Portal > Portal Page and add the Files item to the menu.
Note: There is a prerequisite step if you haven't done so already. In order for the Files option to be available, you will need to go to Global Settings > File Manager > Settings and turn on the "Allow logged-in constituents to upload files" setting.
Approving Files
See files that are uploaded by constituents and have not yet been approved are found by navigating to Files. Select the tab Files Awaiting Approval.
From here, you can choose to download, approve and delete documents.
- Download- Downloads the document so that you can review its contents.
- Approve - This approves the uploaded document and attaches it to the constituent's account record. Once approved, the document will disappear from the Documents Uploaded by the Public list and will appear in the Notes section on the constituent's account.
- Delete - This denies the uploaded document and deletes it.
Finding Approved Files
Navigate to the account's Notes section. An item with paperclip icon has an attachment. Expand the note and download the file to view.
Collecting Files Attachments on Forms
Create a field in your forms that will allow you to collect a file.
1. Navigate to Global Settings, then Account Custom Fields. Select All Accounts.
2. Select New Custom Field.
3. Create your new custom field. Under Display Type, select File.
4. Select the checkbox to display this file in the Constituent Login Portal File Upload list. This form file will be viewable on the Account Detail Page.