NeonCRM provides a tool set to keep track of matching pledges and gifts. The process follows these steps:
- Constituent makes a donation.
- From the donation record, a staff user creates a pledge. This pledge is on behalf of the matching company, and is linked to the original donation.
- The company makes payments on their new pledge.
Entering a Matching Pledge as a System User
Click here to open a walkthrough tutorial on matching a pledge as a System User
Donors Entering Match Pledge Data Online
You can add standard fields for collecting matching company data to your online donation forms through Configure Fields & Sections, found under Settings cog Global Settings Forms & Web Pages Configure Fields & Sections.
More details on how to configure your online forms can be found here.
If a donor enters information into any of the Match Company fields, a Match Company record will be created on the donation. This record will have a default status of Unreconciled, and the donation will be added to the Tribute & Matching Donations to Reconcile widget.
To reconcile this record and create a matching pledge, click on the button beneath Actions in the widget.
A page will open with the pledge information and a section containing the matching information. Click the Reconcile button in this section.
The company name from this section will auto-populate the Donor name field on the matching pledge. You can then link the company name to a matching company account in your database. If no match exists, you can create a new company account in your next step.
Enter the amount to be matched and click Continue to complete the pledge.
By default, your pledge will be created with a status of Pending until you can confirm it with the company. When the pledge is confirmed, edit the record and change the status to Succeed.
Entering a Matching Pledge Payment
To enter the payment for a matching pledge, go to the record containing the matching pledge Donations. Select the pledge to view the Match Pledge Summary.
Scroll to the bottom of the Match Pledge Summary to Pledge Payment Information and select Add Payment.
Enter the payment information. After completing the regular steps for submitting a payment (i.e. acknowledgments, etc.), the payment will be reflected on the pledge.