NeonCRM has two ways to clean up account custom fields by either deleting or consolidating field options you do not use into options you do plan to use:
- Directly from the Account Custom Field's Configuration Page - This will update the field for all constituents with this data.
- Using Bulk Operations to update specific accounts. - This allows a more specific constituent search.
For either method, this does involve mass data changes that cannot be undone, so it is a good idea to export a report of accounts with this information, as a backup to any user error. This guide explains reporting on Account Custom Fields. Also, if you plan to consolidate any field options, make sure you have already created the new option into which you will consolidate under Available Field Options.
Delete or Consolidate Options from the Account Custom Field's Page
This is a quick way to delete a field option. You can either choose to delete all of the data in this field, or move all of the data to merge into another option for this custom field.
First, navigate to Global Settings cog Global Settings Accounts Custom Fields
Under the Custom Data List click Edit next to the desired field.
Scroll down to the Available Field Options. If you plan to consolidate any field options, make sure to Add the new option you wish to consolidate into and save. Next, check the field options you will consolidate and click Delete. Save again.
You will see this error message:
Click the blue click here. You will be shown two options for what to do with the data that currently occupies this field. The first is to remove it:
This option will delete all of the data in this custom field option along with the option itself.
The other option is to Substitute another Custom Data Choice for XX record(s) of Custom Data of Account:
This option will merge the data in this option into another option of your choice, then delete the option itself.
Click Consolidate & Continue to Delete to complete this task.
Bulk Operations
NeonCRM's account Bulk Edit or Delete tool allows you search for specific accounts and perform bulk operations on their Company, Individual & Account Custom Data. Read a full description in the Bulk Edit or Delete Accounts guide.