An email theme is a graphical layout for your campaign emails and system emails. A theme is like a shell that holds your content. When you are building a theme, you are not actually building an email. Rather, you are making the graphical container for your message, which you will add later.
To create an email theme, you may use the Standard Theme Builder or upload your own HTML theme. The guide below explains how to create a new email theme using the Stand Theme Builder.
Create a New Theme
To create a new email theme:
1) Select the Settings cog in the upper right corner and then select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.
On the Global Settings page:
2) Select Email Themes under the Email subheading under the Communications heading.
The Email Themes page now displays. This page lists all of your existing themes. To create a new theme:
3) Select the New Email Theme drop-down and then select New Email Theme on the drop-down menu.
The New Email Theme pop-up now displays. On this pop-up:
4) Enter a name for your new theme in the Email Theme Name field.
5) Select the Set as Default Email Theme toggle to the "on" position if you wish to make this new theme your default theme. See the Set a Default Theme section below for more information on setting a default theme. (Note: Changing the default theme will not affect any existing emails.)
6) If you wish, select an existing theme from which you can begin creating your new theme rather than starting from scratch.
7) Once you have made your selection(s), select Next at the bottom of the pop-up.
You are now in the Theme Builder. All available settings are available in the left-side menu. The image on the right side of the page is a small display of your email's theme. If, at any time, you wish to view a preview of your email theme, select Preview in the upper right corner of the page.
Since the left menu is quite long, below, this guide will examine each section of the left-side menu separately from top to bottom.
Email Settings Section
In the Email Settings section of the left-side menu, there are two toggle, as seen below.
1) Select the Display "View Online" Link toggle to the "on" position if you wish to include the option for a viewer to open the email in their browser. Selecting this toggle will add the statement, as seen below, above the body of the email.
2) Select the Include Unsubscribe Link toggle to the "on" position to include a link in the email that allows the viewer to unsubscribe from future email. Selecting this toggle will add the statement, as seen below, below the body of the email.
Social Media Links Section
In the Social Media Links section of the left-side menu, as seen below, complete the following, as desired:
1) Select the Display Social Media Links toggle to the "on" position to include social media link icons in your email theme.
2) Select the Display "Share" Link toggle to the "on" position if you wish to include a "share" link icon to forward the email.
3) If you do select either toggle as mentioned above, select Above Header or Below Footer to have the link icons display above or below the body of the email.
4) If you selected to display Social Media Links, select whether you wish the link icon to appear as Dark Icons (as seen in the first image below) or as Light Icons (as seen in the second image below).
If you selected to display Social Media Links, to add the applicable icon links as seen in the two images immediately above:
5) Select the box under the Type heading (as indicated by the top red box in the image below). A drop-down list will appear on which you may select an applicable social media platform.
6) Once you have selected the applicable platform, add the associated weblink that links to the social media site.
7) Select Add Another Type (as indicated by the lower red box in the image below) to add additional social media icon links and repeat steps 5-6.
Email Styles Section
In the Email Styles section, as seen below, you may control the colors and fonts for the header, body, and footer sections of the email theme. To make these adjustments, follow the steps below:
1) Select the Heading Font and the Body Font (you may adjust these later when you are creating the actual email content).
2) Select the four Background colors (Header Background Color, Default Body Background Color, Footer Background Color, and Backdrop color). You may adjust these colors later when you are creating the actual email content.
3) If you wish to add an image in the header and/or the footer, click in the header or footer and select the Add Image icon (as seen in the image below). You may locate the image on your computer, upload the image, and adjust its size, as applicable.
4) If you wish to add a backdrop image rather than a plain color, select Add Image in the Backdrop Image field. Locate your image on your device and upload the image.
5) If you wish to adjust the Padding of the email (the space between the header, body, and footer), you may do so by adjusting the pixel number in the Padding field.
You have examined each section of the Theme Builder. When you are finished making all adjustments:
1) Select Save & Close in the upper right corner of the page (as seen below).
Your theme will now appear on the Email Themes page and be available to select when you create an email in the system.
Set a Default Email Theme
There are two ways to set a default theme in Neon CRM, as follows: (Note: Changing the default theme will not affect any existing emails.)
1) By selecting the Set as Default Email Theme toggle to the "on" position on the New Email Theme pop-up when you create a new theme.
2) On the Email Themes page, select the three dot Action Menu in any theme and then select Set as Default on the drop-down.
The default theme is indicated by the blue flag, as seen below.