Types of Company Contacts
All company accounts include a Company Contacts section. Here, you can track company contacts and link between company accounts and individual accounts.
There are two types of company contacts:
1) Individual Accounts: Contacts who have their own Individual accounts in NeonCRM
These are people that have an Individual account in NeonCRM and you want to link them to their employer's Company account. You should create Individual accounts for company contacts under the following circumstances:
a) They conduct their own activities with you outside of the work that they do with their company/foundation. For example, if they make personal donations to your organization, volunteer, serve as a board or committee member, fundraise for your organization, etc.
b) You need to make them a sub member in the company's group membership.
c) You need to include them in certain communications lists. For example, if you create an audience that is built on a database search and the company fits the search criteria, it will not automatically add all company contacts to the audience. The contact has to have their own account that will also fit the search criteria.
2) Company Contact Records: Contacts who do not have their own Individual accounts in NeonCRM and exist solely as part of their company's account
It is important to remember that:
- An company contact record is not an individual account. Therefore, they cannot donate, register for events, or purchase store products.
- An company contact record is not an account. It does not count towards your total number of NeonCRM accounts.
Adding a contact with an Individual account
Navigate to the company's account, open the Company Contacts section and select New Company Contact.
To search for the individual account in NeonCRM, just start typing the contact's first and last name into the First Name field. If there are any matches, they will display in a dropdown list below the name field.
Select the correct name to add the existing individual account as a contact for this company.
The company's current address will automatically populate the contact record, provided that the company account already has an address.
You will also have an opportunity to add the company's address as a Work address on the new contact's existing Individual account.
Click Create Contact. The Individual now appears on the Company Contacts page. The names of any contacts with Individual accounts will appear as blue hyperlinks to their Individual account page.
Adding a contact without an Individual Account
Navigate to the company's account, open the Company Contacts section and select New Company Contact.
Enter the contact's information in the appropriate fields. The company's current address will automatically populate the contact record.
Click Create Contact to return to the main Company Contacts page. Note that the names of contacts that do not have an individual account are plain text instead of a link. They are contacts existing solely within the company's account.
If you create a company contact without an Individual account and then decide later that they should have one, open the Actions Menu on that contact's record and select Convert to Individual Account.
This will not affect the company account, but will create a full NeonCRM Individual Account for the contact. They will maintain their connection to the company, but their new individual account can now include their personal contact information and address as well as the company address.
Updating multiple contact addresses
If you update any contact's company address, you can apply the same update to the primary addresses of any or all household contacts.
After you update the address, go to the Company Contacts section of the account.
Click the Actions menu of the updated contact and select Apply Address to Contacts.
On the next page, you will be able to choose which contact(s) to update. You can select individual contacts (option A below), or click Select All (option B).
Once you've made your selection(s), click Update Address.
You will see a confirmation window, with the option to apply this new address as the primary work address on the linked individual accounts of the selected contacts.
Click Confirm. All of your selected company contacts will now be updated with the new address.
Primary Contacts
When a company has more than one contact, you are given the option to set one contact as a Primary Contact. The contact information for an company account is tied to the company primary contact record. When you set the primary contact, the address on that contact record will be set as the company's address.
The person who is set as the Primary Contact for an company:
- Will be the only person who receives System Emails, Email Campaign blasts, and mailings on behalf of their company
- Will display as the User Full Name output for the Company in Reports
This contact will now have a Primary flag on their record and move to the top of the Contacts list.
Removing Contacts
To remove an individual from the list of company contacts, go to the Company Contacts section of the company's Account page, open the Actions Menu on the appropriate contact record and select Delete Contact.
- For contacts that have their own individual accounts, this will simply remove the relationship between the two NeonCRM accounts.
- For company contacts without NeonCRM accounts, the company contact record will be deleted.
Note that this option is greyed out for the Primary Contact. If you want to remove the relationship between the Company Account and the person set as the Primary Contact, you have to first set another contact as the Primary Contact.
You will be asked to confirm deletion of the contact. Click Delete and Close to complete the action.
If the contact you wish to remove is a sub-member in the company's Group Membership, the contact's membership will be terminated. Their individual account will still retain a record of membership, but the membership expiration date will be set to the day you deleted the contact relationship with the company.
If the contact you wish to delete is associated with any of the transactions on the company's account, you will receive a notice when you try to delete it.
This window will allow you to assign each transaction to one of the remaining contacts, or to leave the Contact blank for those transactions if you prefer. Click Assign and Delete to reassign any transactions and complete the deletion of this contact relationship.