Linking a Donation to a Pledge
Locate the donation record.
From the Donation Detail page, click Apply to Pledge.
You will be shown a list of all pledges for this particular account.
Select the pledge to which this donation will be applied. Click Apply Donation.
Once complete, you will see the Pledge Payment Summary. From here, you can view all payments to the pledge by clicking the dollar amount of the pledge.
You can also link a recurring donation schedule to a pledge.
Un-Linking a Donation from a Pledge
From the Pledge Payment Summary, click the link labeled Un-Link Donation from Pledge.
This will remove the payment from the Pledge, and convert the payment back into a general donation.
Linking a Donation to One of a Pledge's Installments
Payments can be applied from several places.
If you are already on the pledge detail page, click the Detail link next to an installment. On the Installment Detail page, click Add Payment.
Or, from a Pledge Payment Summary page, click Apply to an Installment.
When you do this, you will be presented with a list of installments. Select the appropriate installment for this payment, and click Next. If you choose Do not apply this donation to an installment, the installment will be applied to the pledge, but not to any specific installment.
The Pledge Summary page will now show the payment with a note that shows the payment has been linked to a particular installment. The installment's Amount Paid and Remaining Balance columns will be updated to reflect the new balance on the installment.