Donation Custom Fields, Suggested Donation Amounts, and Recurring Donation Options for Online Forms are configured under Settings cog Global Settings Fundraising.
Donation Custom Fields
Adding a donation specific custom field is exactly the same process as adding an Account Custom field.
Donation Custom Field data:
- is stored on donation records
- can be imported using the import manager but is not available using the batch donation utility
- can be added to your standard and campaign donation forms but not custom donation forms
- can be searched in Communication & Mailing, Donor, Donation, and Stats Reports, and viewed as output columns in Donation and Donor Reports.
Manage your Donation Custom Field List here: Global Settings Fundraising Donation Custom Fields
Click New Custom Field to create a Donation Custom Field.
You are required to enter the Field Name and to select the field Display Type. Choose a Data Type if you like, this is optional.
Donation Custom Fields on your Donation Forms
When you create/edit a donation custom field, you will see the text highlighted below:
Clicking the link will take you to Configure Fields & Sections where you can add donation custom fields to your:
- Public Access Individual Donation Form
- Public Access Company Donation Form
- Public Access (Individual or Company) for Specific Campaigns
- Constituent Donation Form
Suggested Donation Amounts
You might want to give online donors the ability to select from a predefined list of suggested amounts. You can accomplish this using Suggested Donation Amounts. Each set of suggested amounts you create in Neon consists of a set of values (dollar amounts) that you define. Configure these by navigating to Global Settings Fundraising Suggested Donation Amounts.
From this page, you will see a list of existing suggested amount configurations.
You can create different configurations to use under different circumstances. To create a new configuration, click New Suggested Donation Amounts.
The Suggested Donation Amounts name is not visible to your donors, nor is it searchable in reports. It's just a way for you to easily pick this configuration from a list.
Toggling the "Set as the default set" option to On designates these values as your default set of suggested amounts for donation forms. This is the only configuration that can be used on your Standard Donation Form, whereas Campaign Donation Forms can be configured to use different suggested amounts.
Toggling the "Allow donors to enter their own donation amount" option will allow constituents to enter their own amount to donate if they don't want to choose any of the suggested options. The Custom Amount Label is the label they'll see next to the write-in text box on the form.
You will have two possible sets of suggested amounts to set for each configuration: one for one-time donations, and a separate one for recurring donations.
In each case, click Add a donation level to add a new suggested amount. You can have up to 8 suggested amounts per form.
In the Amounts column, enter the dollar amount that will be charged when the donor selects this option. Only enter a number in this column; NeonCRM will add the dollar sign on its own.
The Labels column shows what donors will see on the form next to each option. Each label will automatically populate with the value from the Amounts column, but you can modify this display to your preference.
The Pre-selected amount setting allows you to choose one suggested amount to be selected by default on the form.
Click Submit to save your changes.
Suggested Amounts on your Standard Donation Form
To use your default suggested donation amounts on your Standard Donation Form instead of the free-entry donation amount field, navigate to Global Settings Forms & Web Pages Standard Forms Configure Fields & Sections.
Select the standard donation form you wish to configure (i.e.,Constituent page or Public Access page). Make sure that Edit the Standard Form is selected.
Remove the Donation Amount field from the list of Selected fields and drag the Suggested Donation Amounts field over to the right hand column in its place.
On the next screen, you can change the Display Name if you like. By default, it will be set to Suggested Donation Amounts. Click Submit to save your changes.
When you look at your Standard Donation Form, you will see that your Default suggested amounts have been added in place of the Donation Amount field.
Suggested Amounts on a Campaign Donation form
To configure a Campaign to use a specific set of suggested donation amounts, either create a new campaign or edit an existing one.
From the Campaign configuration page, find the Suggested Donation Amounts option, which lists each set of suggested amounts you've configured in system settings. Choose the set you want to use for this campaign in place of the Donation Amount field.
Click Submit to save your campaign settings.
When you view the donation form for this campaign, you will see the selected amounts have been added in place of the Donation Amount field. Note that the default amount is preselected.
If you have configured different suggested amounts for recurring donations, you will see them if you select the "Make this a recurring donation... " option on the form.
Recurring Donation Options for Online Forms
Here, determine
- whether the donation form should default to a recurring transaction,
- which intervals are available,
- and if an end date option is displayed.
For example, the above settings would look like this on the front end donation form:
Minimum Donation Amounts
Here you are able to set minimum donation amounts for one-time and recurring donations.
Note: Per Visa regulations, “When a customer uses a Visa credit card to buy goods or services, you may establish a minimum purchase amount, but it must not exceed $10.”